bobziemerman / AngularProofOfConcept

ESI Angular test project
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Implicit JAX-RS support #1

Open bobziemerman opened 9 years ago

bobziemerman commented 9 years ago

Paul wants us to look into using the implicit, implementation-independent JAX-RS syntax that wildfly is supposed to come with; as opposed to explicitly declaring a jersey servlet for for the "DB" in web.xml

joshnickle commented 9 years ago

Is this in reference to using RESTEasy instead of jersey? Or is Paul wanting to start with JAX-RS from scratch?

bobziemerman commented 9 years ago

Paul seemed to be talking about it like there was a syntax in wildfly to set a project up to use a more generic JAX-RS declaration that was implementation independent, and then you can swap out implementations as needed without changing any of the code? (i.e. use the default resteasy, or plug in jersey without it making any difference). I haven't actually looked into it yet, but since I've been through the jersey setup stuff already, I figured I'd assign it to myself and look into it once the Git writeup is done