bochinski / iou-tracker

Python implementation of the IOU Tracker
MIT License
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Input format to the tracker #3

Open JunaidCS032 opened 6 years ago

JunaidCS032 commented 6 years ago

Hi, what is the format of the input to the tracker? is it: frame bbleft bbtop bbwidth bbheight confidence ?

I am not using any of the standard MOT detections. thanks.

SMZCC commented 6 years ago

Hello, @JunaidCS032 , do you know why the tracker need the detections as an argument, which I find whose element is a bbox and a score for all sequences? In my opinion, the tracker should be given some bboxes in the first frame of some different objects, then the tracker return the bboxes in the following sequences. Would you please tell me the reason why the tracker need the detections argument? Thanks a lot.

decajcd commented 5 years ago

Have you solved this problem?

lchunleo commented 4 years ago

you may wish to check out the paper for more details. Based on its problem assumption, it is assumed that there are detection in the first and consecutive frames and an IOU between the to-be-tracked object.

zeleny-ondrej commented 2 years ago

Based on the code at the end of load_mot() function

    for bb, s, c in zip(bbox, scores, classes):
        dets.append({'bbox': (bb[0], bb[1], bb[2], bb[3]), 'score': s, 'class': c})

    return data

and the function load_mot() takes in x1, y1, w, h and converts it to x1, y1, x2, y2 according to the comments in the code.

so i would say detections is list of list with above format.