bochinski / iou-tracker

Python implementation of the IOU Tracker
MIT License
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Finish tracker just after a few frames #8

Open frunika opened 5 years ago

frunika commented 5 years ago

I quite often loose some tracks because of missing detections in a single or two frames.

I added a "minimum age" criteria to the finishing track and save the tracks for one or two frames.

This will propably just work with high framerates of about 20fps and more.

adding a track['age'] = 0 right before the updated_tracks.append(track) in line 45 for matched tracks and changing line 52 if track['max_confidence'] >= sigma_h and (track['frames']) >= t_min: to

if track['age'] < 2:
  track['age'] += 1
  track['max_confidence'] >= sigma_h and (track['frames']) >= (t_min + track['age']):

will do it.

Somebody could prove that? Am I missing something?