bochs-emu / Bochs

Bochs - Cross Platform x86 Emulator Project
GNU Lesser General Public License v2.1
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Crash with Impulse Tracker #190

Closed Vort closed 5 months ago

Vort commented 6 months ago

When Impulse Tracker starts, Bochs crashes: bochs_it_crash

Stack trace:

>   bochs.exe!operator delete[](void * block) Line 16   C++
    bochs.exe!bx_audio_buffer_c::delete_buffer() Line 87    C++
    bochs.exe!resampler_thread(void * indata) Line 210  C++

Test files: Version: 664fdae152deb74abdb078bbeb40391c4193e805

Vort commented 6 months ago

Heap corruption happens because of odd length (18181) passed to convert_to_float with param->bits equal to 2. This problem can be hack-fixed by clearing bit 0 of length:

diff --git a/bochs/iodev/sound/ b/bochs/iodev/sound/
index e76e539a9..8f86aceb7 100644
--- a/bochs/iodev/sound/
+++ b/bochs/iodev/sound/
@@ -297,7 +297,10 @@ int bx_soundlow_waveout_c::sendwavepacket(int length, Bit8u data[], bx_pcm_param
   unsigned len1 = length;

-  if (src_param->bits == 16) len1 >>= 1;
+  if (src_param->bits == 16) {
+    len1 >>= 1;
+    length &= ~1;
+  }
   if (pcm_callback_id >= 0) {
     audio_buffer_t *inbuffer = audio_buffers[0]->new_buffer(len1); 

However, it does not help to get sound out of Impulse Tracker, something else is broken as well. With DOSBox, for example, pressing Enter, Enter, F5 allows to start playback of test file ELYSIUM.MOD.

vruppert commented 6 months ago

No progress with the sound issue yet, but I noticed that the app uses the unimplemented secondary VGA charmap. I had no test case until now, that's why I'm currently working on it.

Vort commented 6 months ago

After be1baa295c5850badc347bc2631ff49a772cd04c logo looks correct, thanks. image

vruppert commented 6 months ago

The crash should be fixed now. The SB16 sends a packet with odd size for 16-bit stereo to the lowlevel sound code causing a buffer overflow. After adjusting the size it should be okay. I don't know how to use this program, so I don't know whether or not there is music output.

Vort commented 6 months ago

I don't know how to use this program, so I don't know whether or not there is music output.

With DOSBox, for example, pressing Enter, Enter, F5 allows to start playback of test file ELYSIUM.MOD.

vruppert commented 6 months ago

In DOSBox the keyboard and the music are okay, but in Bochs the keyboard only works if I don't load the mouse driver. Music doesn't work yet, but I want to review the keyboard code first.

Vort commented 6 months ago

I noticed only IPS drop, similar to #192, maybe keyboard is just lagging?

vruppert commented 6 months ago

After reducing the keyboard serial delay the program is usable, but still no sound. I decided to set the default value to 150, since values >= 200 seem to trigger a timeout and finally making the keyboard unusable. No I'll have a look what goes wrong with the SB16.

vruppert commented 6 months ago

I have found 16-bit writes to the mixer for setting up resources, but there's no progress with sound output yet.

vruppert commented 6 months ago

Since I had no progress with the SB stuff yet, I tried the PC speaker (SB16 disabled) and also heard nothing. After fixing up the speaker code and some hacks in the timer code I can hear some noise - not really music yet. Now I have applied the speaker changes only, since the timer investigation needs some more time. I'm back at work tomorrow, so this task may take some days.

Vort commented 6 months ago

I tried the PC speaker (SB16 disabled)

Speaker can also be selected with it /S1

Vort commented 6 months ago

For some reason, I did not figured out earlier that Impulse Tracker was open sourced 10 years ago: Source codes may help to understand what it expects from Sound Blaster 16.

Vort commented 5 months ago

Crash is fixed long time ago, so I made separate report about music playback: #248.