Conventional commits will allow to auto-generate change-logs, using the git-cliff project.
Along with that, we can automate release engineering (as long as I don't eff it up even more) by adding a simple util, that goes through all commits, calculates the next release[^rel], merges into trunk, adds a tag and pushes to gh.
[^rel]: Conventional commits spec allows checking if a feature was added (feat: ) and whether any change was breaking.
With this, we can easily automate semver version increases.
Conventional commits will allow to auto-generate change-logs, using the git-cliff project. Along with that, we can automate release engineering (as long as I don't eff it up even more) by adding a simple util, that goes through all commits, calculates the next release[^rel], merges into trunk, adds a tag and pushes to gh.
[^rel]: Conventional commits spec allows checking if a feature was added (feat: ) and whether any change was breaking. With this, we can easily automate semver version increases.