I am trying to run the f3 command over a large data set and I keep getting this error that says the following populations are not present in the data. The .snp/.ind/.geno files are all in eigenstrat format and if I were to open the files in the terminal, I see exactly what you expect to see. I was following the tutorial, but I am not sure what I am doing wrong.
Here is the code that produces the error:
prefix<- "~/Downloads/AADR_datasets/F3_stats_group/f3_aDNA_subset"
pre<- eigenstrat(prefix)
pre #gives me the eigenstrat object
testRes<- f3(A=pops, B=pops, C = "Ignore_Mbuti(discovery).DG", data = pre)
I am trying to run the f3 command over a large data set and I keep getting this error that says the following populations are not present in the data. The .snp/.ind/.geno files are all in eigenstrat format and if I were to open the files in the terminal, I see exactly what you expect to see. I was following the tutorial, but I am not sure what I am doing wrong.
Here is the code that produces the error: prefix<- "~/Downloads/AADR_datasets/F3_stats_group/f3_aDNA_subset" pre<- eigenstrat(prefix) pre #gives me the eigenstrat object
pops<-setDT(list(final_ind$V3)) testRes<- f3(A=pops, B=pops, C = "Ignore_Mbuti(discovery).DG", data = pre)
Hopefully this description makes sense.