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Hebrew MSS TEI Catalogue
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Cross-references between manuscripts #2

Open andrew-morrison opened 6 years ago

andrew-morrison commented 6 years ago

There are a couple hundred instances in Hebrew and Genizah where one manuscript refers to another by classmark. For example in MS. Heb. c. 23...

  <p>Syr. curs. char.; 4to,<material>paper</material>.</p>
  <p>By the same hand as<ref target="MS_Heb_d_48_15">No. 2760 15</ref>.</p>

The XSL that builds the HTML manuscript view either needs to:

andrew-morrison commented 6 years ago

I've updated the production web sites so these links are now searches. Because part numbers are sometimes appended I've set them up so they aren't phrase searches, so most of the time the results returned include hundreds of other manuscripts. But the correct one should always be at the top of the list. This is the best I can do without changes to the data.