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Documentation and crosswalks relating to the ORA data model
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Harvest: additional subtypes for Journal articles #134

Closed mrdsaunders closed 4 years ago

mrdsaunders commented 4 years ago

I've noticed that not all ORA subtypes are configured in SE or included in the harvest subtype value-map. Could someone let me know what subtypes are needed for journal articles please? The list I inherited is:

      <xwalk:value-map name="types">
      <xwalk:value-mapping from="Editorial" to="Editorial Comment"/>
      <xwalk:value-mapping from="Review" to="Review"/>
      <xwalk:value-mapping from="Correspondence" to="Rapid communication"/>
      <xwalk:value-mapping from="Addendum" to="Addendum"/>
      <xwalk:value-mapping from="Corrigendum" to="Corrigendum"/>
      <xwalk:value-mapping from="Letter" to="Letter"/>
      <xwalk:otherwise-mapping action="ignore-this-value"/>

For journal articles, is there anything to add from the .yml other than Erratum? Comment possibly?

Longer term will add for other types, but not a priority for ORA4 testing.

jjpartridge commented 4 years ago


mrdsaunders commented 4 years ago

Thanks Jason. One for ORA-SE perhaps but we have also had requests for 'frontispiece' and/or 'Inside cover'. Funnily enough the latter came in this morning.

jjpartridge commented 4 years ago

@mrdsaunders are these more commonly associated with books or journal articles?

tomwrobel commented 4 years ago

Frontispiece and inside cover are book properties, not journal articles, thank goodness. We can assign them as subtypes if you like. I don't think that we handle subtypes differently in ORA forms, do we?

mrdsaunders commented 4 years ago

OK. For type Journal Article I will add Erratum, Abstract and Comment to SE config and the crosswalks.

jjpartridge commented 4 years ago

Nope it's fairly straighforward to add more sub-types and these can be added to 'book' if needed. It's just adding to the yml file. The 'trickier' part is the work you will need to do in the crosswalk to send and receive them.

mrdsaunders commented 4 years ago

Can I confirm that comment is distinct form editorial comment (which -> Editorial in deposit crosswalk)?

mrdsaunders commented 4 years ago

Agreed at ORA-SE 21/11/19. They are distinct. Will update crosswalks and SE types field.