bodleian / ora_data_model

Documentation and crosswalks relating to the ORA data model
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Workaround author ordering issue #182

Closed AndrewBennet closed 4 years ago

AndrewBennet commented 4 years ago

Workaround to issue

The solution I've come up has two parts.


Add a mapping of the ora:role_order value to a data-part which normally does not get used in person-list output (person:id - normally only used in deposit maps). E.g., add

<xwalk:field-source data-part="person:id" from="ora:role_order" />

to each person-list field-source. (The field-source above is a simplification). These mappings have been added as part of this pull request.


Add the following fragment to the file found in the Elements installation directory, at AdvancedConfiguration\XwalkXsl\Custom\hyrax-XwalkIn.xsl. Note that this file is designed to allow changes be made to it outside of regular Elements patches and upgrades, which is why we can take this approach rather than scheduling a full patch release.

<!-- Override to order the person-list fields according to person:id field. See -->
<!-- or for details. -->
<xsl:template name="RenderValuePersonList">
  <xsl:param name="pFieldMapping"/>
  <xsl:param name="pSourceFieldValues"/>
  <xsl:param name="pNodeName" select="'api:people'"/>

  <xsl:element name="{$pNodeName}">
    <xsl:for-each select="$pSourceFieldValues">
      <!-- The following line is the only difference between this template and the one it overrides. Sort the  -->
      <!-- person-list entries according to a (normally non-functional) data-part to which the order value has been mapped. -->
      <xsl:sort data-type="number" select="./_value[@data-part = 'person:id']"/>
      <xsl:call-template name="RenderApiPerson">
        <xsl:with-param name="pSourceFieldValue" select="."/>


This fragment should be added near the end of the file, just prior to the final line of the file which should read </xsl:stylesheet> (and so just after the line which starts <xsl:param name ="gpMapFile").


Upon upgrade of Elements to v5.20, this workaround will cease to work. I'll investigate solutions for the upcoming release of Elements, but bear in mind that a change will be required to the map file -- likely it will be small, perhaps along the lines of changing person:id to list:sort-index (but still TBC).

AndrewBennet commented 4 years ago

To follow up the "Future" section - we will implement functionality that will allow ordering of data in a harvest xwalk by using a data-part list:sort-integer. So the added field-sources in this pull request will need to change from, for example:

<xwalk:field-source data-part="person:id" from="/*/mods:role[mods:roleTerm/text() = 'Author']/mods:extension/ora:role_order" select-using="xpath" />


<xwalk:field-source data-part="list:sort-integer" from="/*/mods:role[mods:roleTerm/text() = 'Author']/mods:extension/ora:role_order" select-using="xpath" />

This should be done after upgrade to v5.20. No need to try to undo the change to the XSL file - it will be deleted upon upgrade to 5.20.