bodrick / Ember-MM

Ember Media Manager - The all in one media manager for Kodi
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Reduce CPU usage and fix TV Show frame extractor #5

Closed dougnazar closed 12 years ago

dougnazar commented 12 years ago

At various points the code loops waiting for various things to complete (downloads, etc.) and this pushes the CPU 100%. Easy fix is to just a some sleeps. I'm not a .net guy (or even vb for that matter) so I didn't want to re-architect the code to eliminate them. From the little I've read, some of them might be better off with Thread.Join() instead.

Before, scraping would peg a couple cores at 100% and which would kick in the fans. Now barely registers while waiting for the network.

Looks like there was a copy and paste error while fixing the frame extractor. The TV Show extractor was using the movie filename which caused a little confusion this morning.
