bodrick / Ember-MM

Ember Media Manager - The all in one media manager for Kodi
121 stars 32 forks source link

Wrong links and outdated infos on wiki-page and this github-repo #54

Open buhtz opened 7 years ago

buhtz commented 7 years ago

Please see this wiki-page

  1. In the left pane: "Ember Forum". This link points to the xbmc-forum but is currently correct redirected. Please update it so it doesn't need to redireced.
  2. In the left pane: "Ember Bug Tracker". This link is dead.
  3. In the left pane: "Repository on GitHub" points not to a repository but to a person. And the persons (Dan Copper) Ember-Repository is (forked from yours) but extremly out-dated.
  4. The infos about downloading Ember. 1.3 is last stable but not supported. 1.4 is Beta. Isn't there a stable and supported release currently? In the forum I foudn infos about 1.7 and 1.8. Very confusing. A new user woudl assume to find correct informations on embers official project website.

Please see this repository. On top of the main-site is a link to a dead project website.

Currently there is no way for a new user where is the current/freshesed and active repository and where to find a stable release.

war59312 commented 7 years ago

This version has long been abandoned.

Latest project is @