bodyscape / cielo_home

Integration with Cielo Home
Apache License 2.0
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Getting Invalid Response Status Error #20

Closed Kennyc1012 closed 10 months ago

Kennyc1012 commented 10 months ago

Early this morning the integration stopped working and the logs were being flooded with this log:

Logger: custom_components.cielo_home.cielohome
Source: custom_components/cielo_home/
First occurred: 6:08:13 AM (399 occurrences)
Last logged: 6:23:38 AM
498, message='Invalid response status', url=URL('wss://

Using the Cielo app and google home integration works as expected.

SaltyITSailor commented 10 months ago

I am also seeing the “498, message='Invalid response status'” error.

bodyscape commented 10 months ago

yup me too, i'm on it! They change something in the auth proces. i don't know what yet

JimmyMPage commented 10 months ago

I am seeing this as well. Just to add to the data. Same error in logs.

Kuechenfenster commented 10 months ago

the integration of the Breeze Plus devices seems to be offline

bodyscape commented 10 months ago

i fixed it, install the version 1.5.3