bodyscape / cielo_home

Integration with Cielo Home
Apache License 2.0
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Question on Cielo device temp/humidity polling #47

Closed ahuffman closed 5 months ago

ahuffman commented 5 months ago

Hi @bodyscape , was curious if you know how often the local data from the Cielo devices propagate into home assistant? Been having a problem with my devices not being completely in sync with the actual temp displayed on them in home assistant.

I use the temp to trigger automation to adjust different heating areas in my house and been noticing the automation isn't being triggered because the home assistant value is above the trigger when in reality the device has a temp below the trigger.

Not sure if this is a device issue (firmware) or if it's something with the integration that needs to poll the cloud more frequently.

bodyscape commented 5 months ago

It's live sync, about 1 or 2 second delay.

bodyscape commented 5 months ago

But keep in mind when the temp change on your Cielo device it's the Cielo server send a update. I must wait for it.

ahuffman commented 5 months ago

Ok thanks for confirming, and I figured as much. Not sure why some of my Cielo devices don't update the cloud service as expected.

Anyways thanks for the reply, and as always appreciate your work maintaining this project!