bodyscape / cielo_home

Integration with Cielo Home
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I have lost half of my entities #48

Closed TheHuskyCrobats closed 5 months ago

TheHuskyCrobats commented 5 months ago

Today I have lost half of my entities, from 3 rooms with same model Cielo Breez Eco and same AC Type, suddenly I can control only one, from living through entity. The other 2 does not have this control, it dissapeared.

I have deleted the integration and added again, same issue.

I am new to HA, so I really dont know where is the issue and how to solve it.

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TheHuskyCrobats commented 5 months ago

I tried again today to reinstall it from scratch. So I removed the integration, restarted HA, redownloaded the integration and restarted HA, add all credentials and ... same issue. I was looking at documentation but nothing is mentioned there about different entities for same devices.

I have checked Cielo app and web based app, all is working ok, all controls are available and working. image image image

So below is the screenshot of the devices/entities as it should be: image

This is one of my devices/entities that retains partial control, though not complete as you can see image

And this is one of the remaining two devices that only has only one form of control — power button... image

No ideea what is happening ...

bodyscape commented 5 months ago

good question, if you send me your login and password i can check on it

bodyscape commented 5 months ago

It's your AC_farmacie there are not appliance link to it and it crash. try the version 1.7.0 you will be ok.

TheHuskyCrobats commented 5 months ago

I really did not think that if one device is not linked it can create so many issues with the others. I just manually configured an AC unit for that device and all is ok now.

Thank you for your help.