bodyscape / cielo_home

Integration with Cielo Home
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Mr Cool Unable to turn on Turbo Mode #63

Open krazykrivda opened 1 week ago

krazykrivda commented 1 week ago

Mr Cool does not activate turbo mode from this plugin successfully. I hear my indoor unit beep after pressing turbo, but the setting doesn't stay.

Call and response for changing the target temp, showing that Turbo is on:

2024-06-24 13:10:11.554 DEBUG (MainThread) [custom_components.cielo_home.cielohome] Send Json : {"action": "actionControl", "macAddress": "E8DB848689FE", "deviceTypeVersion": "BI03", "fwVersion": "2.5.3,2.5.0", "actionSource": "WEB", "applianceType": "AC", "applianceId": 1663, "myRuleConfiguration": {"activeTemplates": {"1": 4, "ruleTemplates": 1}, "1": "1,0", "ruleTemplates": {"1": [1, 2, 3, 5, 4]}}, "connection_source": 2, "user_id": "RSjozypz1Q", "mid": "chrome-1706824538", "preset": 0, "application_version": "1.2.0", "ts": 1719252611, "actions": {"power": "on", "mode": "cool", "fanspeed": "high", "temp": "64", "swing": "auto", "swinginternal": "", "turbo": "on", "light": "off"}, "oldPower": "on", "actionType": "temp", "actionValue": 64}
2024-06-24 13:10:14.460 DEBUG (MainThread) [custom_components.cielo_home.cielohome] Receive Json : {"message_type": "StateUpdate", "action": {"uirules": "default:default:default", "device_status": "on", "temp": "64", "action_source": "WEB", "statustimestamp": "1719181149", "fanspeed": "high", "turbo": "on", "end_turbo_timestamp": "0", "swinginternal": " ", "mode": "cool", "swing": "auto", "ontimestamp": "1719251073", "start_turbo_timestamp": "1718699447", "power": "on", "mode_timestamp": "1719166897", "timestamp": "1719252614", "moderules": "default:default:default"}, "mac_address": "E8DB848689FE", "mid": "chrome-1706824538", "stateSync": "0", "exe": "1", "my_rule_configuration": {"active_templates": {"1": "4"}, "1": "1,0", "rule_templates": {"1": ["1", "2", "3", "5", "4"]}}, "lat_env_var": {"temperature": "80", "humidity": "0"}, "device_status": 1, "device_name": "Living Room", "fw_version": "2.5.3,2.5.0"}

Call and response for for turning off Turbo mode. This is successful.

2024-06-24 13:10:50.419 DEBUG (MainThread) [custom_components.cielo_home.cielohome] Send Json : {"action": "actionControl", "macAddress": "E8DB848689FE", "deviceTypeVersion": "BI03", "fwVersion": "2.5.3,2.5.0", "actionSource": "WEB", "applianceType": "AC", "applianceId": 1663, "myRuleConfiguration": {"activeTemplates": {"1": 4, "ruleTemplates": 1}, "1": "1,0", "ruleTemplates": {"1": [1, 2, 3, 5, 4]}}, "connection_source": 2, "user_id": "RSjozypz1Q", "mid": "chrome-1706824538", "preset": 0, "application_version": "1.2.0", "ts": 1719252650, "actions": {"power": "on", "mode": "cool", "fanspeed": "high", "temp": "64", "swing": "auto", "swinginternal": "", "turbo": "off", "light": "off"}, "oldPower": "on", "actionType": "turbo", "actionValue": "on/off"}
2024-06-24 13:10:52.302 DEBUG (MainThread) [custom_components.cielo_home.cielohome] Receive Json : {"message_type": "StateUpdate", "action": {"uirules": "default:default:default", "device_status": "on", "temp": "64", "action_source": "WEB", "statustimestamp": "1719181149", "fanspeed": "high", "turbo": "off", "end_turbo_timestamp": "0", "swinginternal": " ", "mode": "cool", "swing": "auto", "ontimestamp": "1719251073", "start_turbo_timestamp": "1718699447", "power": "on", "mode_timestamp": "1719166897", "timestamp": "1719252651", "moderules": "default:default:default"}, "mac_address": "E8DB848689FE", "mid": "chrome-1706824538", "stateSync": "0", "exe": "1", "my_rule_configuration": {"active_templates": {"1": "4"}, "1": "1,0", "rule_templates": {"1": ["1", "2", "3", "5", "4"]}}, "lat_env_var": {"temperature": "80", "humidity": "0"}, "device_status": 1, "device_name": "Living Room", "fw_version": "2.5.3,2.5.0"}

Call and response for turning Turbo On. This is unsuccessful. 3rd line here is a successful response after enabling Turbo using the Mr Cool Android app.

2024-06-24 13:11:40.416 DEBUG (MainThread) [custom_components.cielo_home.cielohome] Send Json : {"action": "actionControl", "macAddress": "E8DB848689FE", "deviceTypeVersion": "BI03", "fwVersion": "2.5.3,2.5.0", "actionSource": "WEB", "applianceType": "AC", "applianceId": 1663, "myRuleConfiguration": {"activeTemplates": {"1": 4, "ruleTemplates": 1}, "1": "1,0", "ruleTemplates": {"1": [1, 2, 3, 5, 4]}}, "connection_source": 2, "user_id": "RSjozypz1Q", "mid": "chrome-1706824538", "preset": 0, "application_version": "1.2.0", "ts": 1719252700, "actions": {"power": "on", "mode": "cool", "fanspeed": "high", "temp": "64", "swing": "auto", "swinginternal": "", "turbo": "on", "light": "off"}, "oldPower": "on", "actionType": "turbo", "actionValue": "on/off"}
2024-06-24 13:11:42.557 DEBUG (MainThread) [custom_components.cielo_home.cielohome] Receive Json : {"message_type": "StateUpdate", "action": {"uirules": "default:default:default", "device_status": "on", "temp": "64", "action_source": "WEB", "statustimestamp": "1719181149", "fanspeed": "high", "turbo": "off", "end_turbo_timestamp": "0", "swinginternal": " ", "mode": "cool", "swing": "auto", "ontimestamp": "1719251073", "start_turbo_timestamp": "1718699447", "power": "on", "mode_timestamp": "1719166897", "timestamp": "1719252651", "moderules": "default:default:default"}, "mac_address": "E8DB848689FE", "mid": "chrome-1706824538", "stateSync": "0", "exe": "1", "my_rule_configuration": {"active_templates": {"1": "4"}, "1": "1,0", "rule_templates": {"1": ["1", "2", "3", "5", "4"]}}, "lat_env_var": {"temperature": "80", "humidity": "0"}, "device_status": 1, "device_name": "Living Room", "fw_version": "2.5.3,2.5.0"}
2024-06-24 13:12:27.053 DEBUG (MainThread) [custom_components.cielo_home.cielohome] Receive Json : {"message_type": "StateUpdate", "action": {"uirules": "default:default:default", "device_status": "on", "temp": "64", "action_source": "Android", "statustimestamp": "1719181149", "fanspeed": "high", "turbo": "on", "end_turbo_timestamp": "0", "swinginternal": " ", "mode": "cool", "swing": "auto", "ontimestamp": "1719251073", "start_turbo_timestamp": "1718699447", "power": "on", "mode_timestamp": "1719166897", "timestamp": "1719252746", "moderules": "default:default:default"}, "mac_address": "E8DB848689FE", "mid": "4da5d268e8124f35", "stateSync": "0", "exe": "1", "my_rule_configuration": {"active_templates": {"1": "4"}, "1": "1,0", "rule_templates": {"1": ["1", "2", "3", "5", "4"]}}, "lat_env_var": {"temperature": "81", "humidity": "0"}, "device_status": 1, "device_name": "Living Room", "fw_version": "2.5.3,2.5.0"}
ronindesign commented 2 days ago

May be unrelated, but I've noticed the native MRCOOL SmartHVAC app from MRCOOL, when pressing the Turbo button has prompted with an error saying something like "Turbo mode from app not supported for this unit" and then it actually removes the Turbo button from the device's menu (permanently it seems.) Also, the Turbo function definitely works with the unit, as when I first installed, the pressing the Turbo button worked fine and the unit ramped up as usual.

May just be a bug in the native app, so sorry for the extra noise on this if that is the case, but thought any extra info here might help diagnose/troubleshoot the issue. Also, this is with the new Cassette ceiling-mount units, but I don't think that should really matter since the wifi module, software, etc is all the same to the wall mount units.

EDIT: I'll also try using the Turbo function from the web app (allows logging in with MRCOOL SmartHVAC credentials) and see if I get any errors when trying to enable Turbo function.