boformer / BuildingThemes

Mod for Cities:Skylines
MIT License
13 stars 11 forks source link

Results of the Building Themes Polls #78

Open boformer opened 8 years ago

boformer commented 8 years ago

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What are your wishes and suggestions for the future of Building Themes?

A quick rework for After Dark hopefully, with at least basic functionality - ability to set at least two themes, and modifying basic themes (euro & international).

A seamless integration with the dreaded District Styles from After Dark

"After reading the workshop description I personally had little issue understanding how to use the mod, there seemed to be confusion from other players. A step by step picture tutorial may help.

Thank you very much for the hard work, allowing players to design with precision definitely adds fun value to the gameplay."

American style terraced or tightly-packed houses. Like what covers all of San Francisco, Brooklyn, northern Chicago, a lot of Boston etc.

And add all button for vanilla European or International buildings to a custom theme.

Application of multiple themes to a district (reduced number of distinct themes required as you can create several 'base sets' that than then be applid in various combinations to create variety without having to create multiple sets containing much of the same base).

"as above: I disliked having to enable it for each district because I'd often forget that and then I'd get a mix of euro and international buildings, I think that enabling it using the map theme by default on new districts might be better."

Basically more themes and obviously after dark support and all that :D keep up the great work, love you!!!

"Can you exclude certain buildings from being built? Like ""No assets"", ""No European"", ""None of x theme""That would be cool"

Compability with 81 Tiles

Compatible with After Dark Update

Control building level up by district

Copy - Paste straight from the theme manager!!

"Dont have any suggestions at this moment but for me this is an essential mod and will be better than the new district styles addition that's coming with the patch. So please keep going with this :) Thanks rik4000"

Enable 2 themes at once

Find a way to keep it going

For it to be easier to make building themes. And that commercial also worked.

"I hope the devs of this mod will continue developing it even when After Dark is out, because from what i've seen this mod is way better than the styles option in the base game.

I would also like it when there would be an option to select different theme's for different zoning types.

For example you should be able to give the residential and commercial buildings the European theme and the office buildings the International theme."

I want to change themes in the main menu.

I would like to be able to set housing models' levels; for example by setting level 1 terraces to also be higher levels, so that they upgrade but there could be more variation, and the lower level models which look nicer would stick around for longer. Apart from that, it's a truly great mod, which massively increases my enjoyment of the game.

I would love the ability to control building level up by district. I have the mod that works for individual buildings, but it would be great to do by district. Just when I get a good mix of level 2, 3, and 4 buildings so the neighborhood has variety, they all start leveling up, and it's tedious to have to do it building by building.

"I would want to know if it's possible of select only certain colors of a building? If it was possible to select directly a building to place him(it) would be cool. A little like eyedrop. Great job anyway ;) Atys"

"If the ingame ""Theme""-feature coming with ""After Dark"" doesn't have as much options as your Mod, please continue. And I use your mod also not as mentioned: When I want a special growable at a certain position, I wait untill the building upgrades to the lvl the building needs and just de-select all other buildings in the theme. Works perfect. Thank you for this mod."

I'm not sure what place it will have with the new additions to the game

"I'm scared that district styles will suck. I'm scarred it will be a pain in the ass to sort through assets and add them to a district style. I hope Building Themes can extend the district styles functionality that I fear will be missing. And duplication. I love my level 5 neo-eclectic homes. "

"It would be great if it was possible to introduce a feature to change building density and maybe even type of zone (residental to commercial and vice versa). Thank you for all of your efforts, this mod is essential for CS."

Just a simple feature: make clear ingame if a theme applies to low or high density buildings. Keep adding awesome things :D Keep on the good work. Nothing in my mind for now to be added. Make it easier to understand and less buggy.

"Maybe not entirely within the scope of the mod, but some way to mass disable/unsubscribe to all workshop assets within a theme. I would love to use themes to its fullest but I'm hesitant to download any workshop growables at all at the moment, because of the hassle it is to unsub and/or disable multiple buildings at a time."

More granular themes for vanilla buildings, e.g. "European light commercial", "European Dense Residental", etc.

"more themes more variety it's all good so far keep up the good work. oh, brown stones with stoops and american north east row homes like in west philly etc..."

"More Themes, especially for the new DLC. Maybe some kind of Ghetto and Hotel Area. Overall l'm pretty happy "

More themes. More themes with different types of zoning.

more, more, more


nothin i think its good m8

Nothing much, perhaps a building counter would be great, but that's it, really.

Nothing, really. I haven't used the mod too much yet and so far have only been using it to get rid of buildings I don't like. I've still got lots of ideas for using it in future cities. I think the mod is pretty good and solid as it is, and I really can't think of anything to add to it.


Oriental Theme

"Please keep it running post After Dark as it sounds like CO's version won't allow the same levels of control. Also I use it with the level up control mod all the time so I hope this continues to work post dlc too. It is a brilliant mod! Thank you!"

Possibly a better UI for customising as the current one can be a bit overwhelming if you have too many buildings downloaded.

Renaming a theme would be nice, also being able to change the type of a building (e.g. high density commercial to low density commercial).

So far the mod is great! I can't think of any specific improvements at the moment.

Sort by author would be nice and only show enabled buildings.

sports theme and educational complex theme are high on my list. i love the fact that we can give areas of our sprawling city a distinct and unique flair. I hope you will keep at it!!

The ability to sort by size and building level within a theme so you can see if you have any gaps.

the moment when you like the building design but it is only lv 1 .maybe make a modded building level up but still retains the design

The possibility to make a theme of themes might be nice.

Themes being zones separately from districts. Sometimes I want to have buildings of a certain theme next to buildings of a different theme in the same district.

To ban assets in a theme from appearing in other districts where the theme is NOT enabled.

"To clone a building to a different category. In the vanilla European themed buildings there are clones for residential, commercial and office categories. I would like to be able to do the same with workshop content. The in-game theme manager you created is phenomenal and I hope CO's District Styles will not ruin that functionality. "

"Would like:

No (47 times)

"- I've only cloned a few L2 buildings as L1, but it works erratically (some L1 clones occasionally showed up, some never did).

a subscribed collection from the workshop did not work as exepected, others were though assets in a theme appears outside of the districts. Doesnt work to enable theme to a district without ticking the "enable to city" button.

Beside the cloning feature no.

I disliked having to enable it for each district because I'd often forget that and then I'd get a mix of euro and international buildings, I think that enabling it using the map theme by default on new districts might be better.

I stopped cloning default assets and my problems went away (floating cloned default buildings). If Third party themes need you to be subscribed to other mods, they need to say.

Is there a chance that the mod causes buses to stop picking up passengers (buses move around the route and stop at very busy bus stops but never have any passengers onboard)? I can't quite isolate the problem but it happens around about the 50k pop and I don't have many other mods running...

It's unfortunate that the 81 tiles mod doesn't work, but that's all.

Just higher memory usage, as is expected from a high amount of assets limited use so far but no issues

On one theme, a certain building kept trying to renovate/upgrade and would go through the scaffolding animation, but wouldn't ever upgrade. After it was done with the scaffolding animation, it would do it again. IDK if this was a problem with the building theme itself or the Building Themes mod, but I thought I'd point it out. (I think it was Detached British Houses or something)

Problems with buildings constantly growing to the same building. Maybe an error coming from the theme itself.

Randomly, the policy menu does not appear, though it's "X" or "Close" symbol will appear in corner. Though this issue happened around time of mod install, I'm VERY uncertain if mod is at fault or other assets. Restarting game may fix. Overall not too inconvenient.

Sometimes foreign building collections aren't "loaded" (no growth) despite the settings on the map being set up correctly (as far as I understand)

Sometimes the application of the themes on district disappears in the launch of the savegame and returns on the theme by default.

Sometimes the theme wouldn't apply and nothing would happen, all just random buildings instead of the ones I chosen

Sometimes, my clones are disappearing.

the fact you cant build 2 areas in one district. the themes should have their own distircts. There was a minor bug with one of the themes where the houses tried to upgrade, but then got stuck upgrading, which tanked the game and caused it to lag. This has happened a few times, but reloading the game seemed to help.

Unable to reset which buildings are in each theme. This is a problem with the select all/select none buttons

Well, since enabling this mod, my game crashes when I try to go to the main menu from within a game or the map or asset editor. It also crashes when I quit to desktop. But I might have enabled other mods at the same time, so I'm not certain that's caused by this mod, and I haven't really tried to figure it out.

Yes, sometimes it didn't work. I also felt like it slowed down the game.

Yes, when I added vanilla buildings to my theme it crashed the city.