bogachenko / fuckfuckadblock

Filters for blocking mining, pop-ups and anti-adblock bypass.
MIT License
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Anti-Mining support #389

Closed trimechee closed 1 year ago

trimechee commented 1 year ago

Hello, the real danger on the internet is crypto currency mining, crypto mining techniques are becoming so sophisticated that mining just uses a small amount of cpu power without user noticing it, a press article talked about it .... unfortunately many browsers and even adblock and dns adblock don't say they block all malicious crypto coin currency mining sites by default, I tried to search and I found this site zerodot1 but and i tried to add his filters to ublock origin but it doesn't work :( it will be great if fuckfuckadblock add option or make a second verson special anti-coin mining version to adding zerodot list and also olbat list and ShadowWhisperer and block list projcet list anti coin lists and if it's technically possible, maybe to unify them in a single list of filters to protect against crypto mining and thus simplify the task for millions users to adding these filters in one click because it seems difficult to find and add these filters especially since on the zerodot site, the download filters button does not work....thank you very much !

bogachenko commented 1 year ago

So far, I don’t see the point in this, the list of rules from @hoshsadiq is not bad (in conjunction with uBlock filters - Resource abuse), but the idea is not bad, after all, I often saw mining, especially on video frames (but again, they were always banned by the above lists).

trimechee commented 1 year ago

Hoshsadiq seems to have selective filters but not many, that's good, and zerodot has many sites, , it seems ublock origin ha said it can integratre more anti mining list but filter should respect the synstax end rules of ublock origin...ohh "I often saw mining, especially on video frames ", so are we protected from from mining video frames when we use ublock origin ? or when we use your filters please ?

bogachenko commented 1 year ago

Hoshsadiq seems to have selective filters but not many, that's good, and zerodot has many sites so are we protected from from mining video frames

For most of the sites that you visit, this will be enough, I only once in my life reported an unadded script from mining, all other times, as I said already, when I noticed scripts or domains for mining, they were blocked by @hoshsadiq and uBlock filters - resource abuse.

UPD: It's funny, I just noticed that @hoshsadiq last updated 5 months ago. UPD2: Okay, I created the separate list for this, let's see what happens.

trimechee commented 1 year ago

Great absolutely sensational !! 🥇 💯 Thank you very much for all your effort and help and generosity :)

I have another question please, I have brave browser in reserve, I avoid installing ublock origin on brave to avoid possible conflict, I noticed that brave has an option to add our own addresses or filters... I I didn't really understand how to do it, are fuckfuckadblock's filters compatible with the native ad blocker of brave browser please?

trimechee commented 1 year ago

sorry to bother you again, regarding your wonderful list for blocking browser-based miners, I'm afraid that my hard drive may be failing and I forget where I can't find the link address, in which case I type "fuckfuckadbllock" on google and I easily find your github, in this case how can I easily find the link of the list for blocking browser-based miners please? i.e. I searched in your repositories and wiki but I can't find a section dedicated to the new blocking browser-based miners filters, is there a possibility that you add for example the link of the new anti coin filters in the description of fuckfuckadblock to find them easily please?

trimechee commented 1 year ago

Another question please : whan i click sur le lien des nouveaux filtes anti coin :

I expected to see hundreds of thousands of crypto sites in the list, did you include in this list all the sites from the lists of zerodot1, olbat, block list project, shadowwhisperer....?

bogachenko commented 1 year ago

I have another question please, I have brave browser in reserve, I avoid installing ublock origin on brave to avoid possible conflict, I noticed that brave has an option to add our own addresses or filters... I I didn't really understand how to do it, are fuckfuckadblock's filters compatible with the native ad blocker of brave browser please?

When I checked six months ago, everything worked. But I would recommend ~in addition to the obvious - to abandon the use of Brave~ to abandon the built-in adblock in favor of uBO, because the latter has much more functions available.

I expected to see hundreds of thousands of crypto sites in the list, did you include in this list all the sites from the lists of zerodot1, olbat, block list project, shadowwhisperer....?

These are their lists, not mine. I can't trust them and add them to my list automatically, because there may be false positives, as well as dead domains. This can have a bad effect on the image of the repository, such actions are very long in nature. Please tell me, You don't think that I copied and pasted my original Fuck Fuckadblock sheet from somewhere and here it is so big? No, it's a long and hard work - 3-4 years, with FFA Miner, too, the same situation, do not wait for everything at once.

~BTW: what prevents you from combining, well, if you trust them, and use it? because a script that downloads lists and combines them into one can be written on your knee in 5 minutes.~

I searched in your repositories and wiki but I can't find a section dedicated to the new blocking browser-based miners filters, is there a possibility that you add for example the link of the new anti coin filters in the description of fuckfuckadblock to find them easily please?

~Yep. Soon.~ Done

trimechee commented 1 year ago

Interesting , thank you :) yes we know it is very hard and complex work to make these filters, thank you again ! I install brave because firefox starts implementing manifest v3 and chrome soon, and many said brave is big company that has ressource to keep manifest v2 in order to save the adblocker extension !

trimechee commented 1 year ago

Hello, in addition of brave browser, i find another famouse web browser of big famous company : yandex browser ! and yandex browser let us block ads manually, may be yandex will continue to use manifest v2, does fuckfuckadblock compatible with the native adblocker of yandex browser ?

bogachenko commented 1 year ago

Nope. Native - no, as far as I remember, there is very poor functionality, scriptlets from uBO will not work, and again, as far as I remember, third-party sheets cannot be installed in it, you can create filters there that very modestly hide the page content.

For information: Yandex is our disgusting Russian company (probably only сompany is worse), in terms of blocking ads, they will interfere with you, third-party extensions will not work correctly, for eg №1 or eg №2.

trimechee commented 1 year ago

I notice that yandex has many other awesome features that others browsers don't have and yandex is between few big browser to block ads even if it doesn't semm to block all ads .....thank you for these informations :)

yandex android said "Our browser currently supports only AdGuard Content Blocker and Adblock Fast. You can read about these extensions for blocking ads on the Help page: . "

bogachenko commented 1 year ago

yandex android said "Our browser currently supports only AdGuard Content Blocker and Adblock Fast.

as I said

trimechee commented 1 year ago

Thank you :) @bogachenko please another question, I remember having read that when we modify the host files to block ads, it is recommended to deactivate the DNS Client (Dnscache) service... and therefore concerning the dns adblock because with manifest v3 the ad blockers would therefore become less effective using ad blocker dns would become an alternative, do you advise me to disable the DNS Client service (Dnscache) of windows 10 for more effective ad blocking ?

bogachenko commented 1 year ago

Dnscache more effective ad blocking

Where's the connection? Maybe I don't understand something, but this service was not created for this. And resetting it, as well as disabling it, as far as I know, does not entail effective ad blocking, but entails:

a) confidentiality (redirection to another ip - often this is done to hack PS4 game consoles, but on a computer with this didn’t deal, although nothing prevents an attacker from redirecting you to the ip he needs if your cache is corrupted).

b) a fresh ip for sites (if the site has switched to another ip, cleaning is necessary, because a 404 error may occur).

c) decrease in page opening speed.

If you are talking about this, then I have not come across this , and besides this, I have not found information confirming this anywhere else. Be that as it may, I do not block ads using the hosts.txt file (the only exception is the phone, there I use AdAway), and I do not know the limits for the default dns server, because I have always used third-party, I set up my local server on Raspberry Pi and rolled AdGuard Home there and from there I block ads on third-party devices from my computer.

In any case, this is offtopic (For this it is better to use mail -, telegram @bogachenkove or reddit /u/bogachenkove), there is no need to discuss this in the repository that has nothing to do with ad blocking, here is my personal list of rules for review if you are interested ->

trimechee commented 1 year ago

Thank you for these very intersting informations and i follow you in reddit and telegram 🥇

sorry that seems offtopic .... i think I speak about adblock and dns client service to disable to block ads because i read this :


trimechee commented 1 year ago

"DNS Client service slow initialization if hosts file large System: Windows 10 on Surface book 2 15''

My hosts file in Windows\System32\drivers\etc directory has about 95000 entries (I need that file - it blocks certain web-pages from being accessible by sending their addresses to to After restarting/turning on/waking from hibernation/ the machine, it takes about 5 minutes before the internet connection is established (exactly the same problem existed in Windows 7).

I believe that MS developers should take a look at the way DNS client service is implemented and optimize it.