bogachenko / fuckfuckadblock

Filters for blocking mining, pop-ups and anti-adblock bypass.
MIT License
2.01k stars 70 forks source link #404

Closed zekecarter closed 1 year ago

zekecarter commented 1 year ago

Basic information

Check the link: Category: Anti-adblock Reported from: Republic of Panama (Central America)

User environment

Browser: Brave Versión 1.49.120 x64 Adblocker: uBlock Origin Extensions: N/A DNS: N/A

Additional message: updated the page and when you click on download you get the window as in the image and fuckfuckadblock.txt does not work, could you update it?

bogachenko commented 1 year ago

please don't upload images here!

bogachenko commented 1 year ago

I can't reproduce the problem, which subscriptions have you activated in uBO - by default and FFA?

PS: what are the subscriptions for your country by default?

Reported from: Republic of Panama (Central America)

zekecarter commented 1 year ago

I can't reproduce the problem, which subscriptions have you activated in uBO - by default and FFA?

PS: what are the subscriptions for your country by default?

Reported from: Republic of Panama (Central America)

Can I send a test video?

bogachenko commented 1 year ago

Nope. Go to uBO settings on the - Support tab, scroll down and copy the Troubleshooting field. Paste it here.

By the way, have you disabled the adblock built into the Brave browser and use ONLY uBO?

zekecarter commented 1 year ago

Nope. Go to uBo settings on the - Support tab, scroll down and copy the Troubleshooting field. Paste it here.


uBlock Origin: 1.47.4
Chromium: 111
filterset (summary): 
  network: 88039
  cosmetic: 44817
  scriptlet: 17653
  html: 0
listset (total-discarded, last-updated): 
    user-filters: 0-0, never
    easylist: 63372-534, never
    easyprivacy: 31007-1147, never
    plowe-0: 3751-590, never
    spa-0: 3541-150, never
    spa-1: 5132-66, never
    ublock-abuse: 78-0, never
    ublock-badware: 4611-0, never
    ublock-filters: 32807-116, never
    ublock-privacy: 287-0, never
    ublock-quick-fixes: 340-16, never
    ublock-unbreak: 1922-33, never
    urlhaus-1: 6492-0, never
filterset (user): [empty]
modifiedUserSettings: [none]
modifiedHiddenSettings: [none]
  allReadyAfter: 872 ms
  maxAssetCacheWait: 4 ms
bogachenko commented 1 year ago

Yep, this. Answer the question above, please.

zekecarter commented 1 year ago

Yep, this. Answer the question above, please.

I have updated the page now it shows different information. I use the fuckfuckadblock in the custom filter of the brave browser, hope this works for you

uBlock Origin: 1.47.4
Chromium: 111
filterset (summary): 
  network: 89615
  cosmetic: 44757
  scriptlet: 17318
  html: 0
listset (total-discarded, last-updated): 
    user-filters: 0-0, never
    easylist: 64293-44, 12m
    easyprivacy: 31065-1172, 11m
    plowe-0: 3752-931, 10m
    spa-0: 3541-11, 15m
    spa-1: 5132-194, 15m
    ublock-abuse: 78-0, 8m
    ublock-badware: 5099-114, 6m
    ublock-filters: 32027-119, 5m
    ublock-privacy: 293-1, 4m
    ublock-quick-fixes: 421-7, 3m
    ublock-unbreak: 1937-41, 2m
    urlhaus-1: 6859-0, 1m
filterset (user): [empty]
modifiedUserSettings: [none]
modifiedHiddenSettings: [none]
  allReadyAfter: 872 ms
  maxAssetCacheWait: 115 ms
bogachenko commented 1 year ago

I use the fuckfuckadblock in the custom filter of the brave browser, hope this works for you

What does it mean? Does this mean that you have installed FFA in the built-in adblock of the Brave browser and together with this you are still using uBO? Correct? If yes (because I don't see my sheet in the Troubleshooting field), please read this

zekecarter commented 1 year ago

I use the fuckfuckadblock in the custom filter of the brave browser, hope this works for you

What does it mean? Does this mean that you have installed FFA in the built-in adblock of the Brave browser and together with this you are still using uBO? Correct? If yes (because I don't see my sheet in the Troubleshooting field), please read this

i used to use brave browser and i activated all the ad blockers and additionally i added the FFA in the custom filter and it worked fine. and since it didn't work for me i tried installing the uBo extension optionally but it didn't work either. what would be your recommendation?

bogachenko commented 1 year ago

Please, disable the built-in ad blocker from the Brave Browser (and other extensions for blocking ads) and enable ONLY uBO, only it and that's it. In it, reset all the default settings (in the settings, this is the first tab at the very bottom of the page) and install my list, update all filters and go to this problematic site and check

zekecarter commented 1 year ago

Please, disable the built-in ad blocker from the Brave Browser (and other extensions for blocking ads) and enable ONLY uBO, only it and that's it. In it, reset all the default settings (in the settings, this is the first tab at the very bottom of the page) and install my list, update all filters and go to this problematic site and check

ok... testing

zekecarter commented 1 year ago

Please, disable the built-in ad blocker from the Brave Browser (and other extensions for blocking ads) and enable ONLY uBO, only it and that's it. In it, reset all the default settings (in the settings, this is the first tab at the very bottom of the page) and install my list, update all filters and go to this problematic site and check

sorry it didn't work. watch the video, as soon as you watch the video I will delete it. Video 0:45 second

bogachenko commented 1 year ago

Not right. I asked you to disable the built-in blocker, not subscriptions in the built-in blocker. On the website, click on the lion icon in the address bar and switch from ON to OFF "Shield" and check.

zekecarter commented 1 year ago

Not right. On the website, click on the lion icon in the address bar and switch from on to off "Shield" and check.

it worked with the aBo extension, it is a pity that it no longer works directly with the brave browser, yesterday it worked and today it doesn't, thank you very much.

bogachenko commented 1 year ago

You cannot use 2 ad blockers. There will always be problems, if not today, then tomorrow.

I don't use Brave browser, you have disabled the built-in adblock, only for the current page, you can find on the Internet how to disable it permanently. I recommend doing this to avoid false positives.

Have a nice day.