bogachenko / fuckfuckadblock

Filters for blocking mining, pop-ups and anti-adblock bypass.
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New unified unique crypto miners blocklist #435

Closed trimechee closed 12 months ago

trimechee commented 1 year ago

Hello, thank you so much for making a wonderful anti-cryptojacking list ! 🥇

I have a suggestion please : make a unique unfied list to block all legitimate or non-legitimate crypto miners from all over the world because some miners use sophisticated techniques to only use a small amount of CPU power which makes it undetectable, and many people don't use crypto, these lists are scattered all over the web and it's hard to put them together so it will be great to make one unified blocklist containing all the crypto in the world so we can add them easily to our ad blocker or our custom dns via rethink dns or blitz ahadns or control d dns or next dns and this list would be updated often and thus no need to go searching in the different sites, thank you very much !
trimechee commented 1 year ago

here why crypto hidden secret are dangerous :

the fundamental problem in the web actually is the dangerous crypto currency mining who can ruin us and cause harm to ecology and it is the main threat on the internet, the pirates use sophisticated techniques like using a very small power of our processor without realising it and without clicking on any link despite your web browser is up to date, and Webassembly Tehnology (WASM) is enabled by default in web browsers but

WebAssembly may be used, just like JavaScript, to “steal” processing power instead of data. In 2019, an analysis of 150 different Wasm modules found out that about 32% of them were used for cryptocurrency-mining.

Though Wasm has been around for a few years, it rose to prominence more recently when it was used for cryptocurrency mining in browsers. This opened a Pandora's box of potential malicious uses of Wasm.

So I think it's necessary for the average user who does not care about Crypto sites to have peaceful mind that the resources of his computer are not stolen, Zerodot1 is very famous and his list used by many famous software, and it doesn't matter this block evenlegitimate crypto miners because mayn people don't use cryptoans some miners use so sophisticated techniques to only use a small amount of CPU power which makes it undetectable.... so my suggestion is to add by default all zerodot1 list to the list....

bogachenko commented 12 months ago

Only real cases will get into the list, copy and paste is not suitable. Lately I can't find domains for mining, ~is the era gone?~

trimechee commented 12 months ago

You have completely right ! thank you :)