bogkonstantin / android_income_sms_gateway_webhook

Simple Android incoming SMS to URL forwarder
MIT License
352 stars 96 forks source link

Is someone has merged these PR already ready in the queue and make a new APK? #65

Closed olaxe closed 2 months ago

olaxe commented 5 months ago

Hello, I don't want to be rude, I love this app and I would like to keep it alive. Maybe if the maintainer cannot applied theses PRs for any reason (IRL can be a bit** sometimes), someone can take over by cloning the repo. Personally, I can't due to my lack of knowledge for this language or the APK compilation.

scottmconway commented 5 months ago

I attempted to reach out to @bogkonstantin on facebook to see if he'd archive this repo and update the readme to point to another fork, since just making a fork would likely encourage development to fracture.

My fork currently does not address all of the open PRs, but I will likely work on merging them into my fork soon.

olaxe commented 5 months ago

Thanks, I hope @bogkonstantin will come back but if not, I would love to try your fork and give you a feedback.

scottmconway commented 5 months ago

@olaxe I've merged all presently open PRs except for #63, as I don't see the need for it.

I've changed the application ID to "org.scottmconway.incomingsmsgateway", though everything else is the same.

You can find my latest release here:

pmalecka commented 5 months ago

@scottmconway I'm thinking it might be worth considering allowing anyone to raise issue in your fork repo. I have found a bug (related to the webhook editing) - that is only present in your fork.

(if I set up 2 webhooks - only one works)

scottmconway commented 5 months ago

@pmalecka sorry, didn't realize that issues were disabled by default. They're now enabled.

I'm not 100% sure how to handle this specific issue. If there's an error in the "edit webhooks" PR, ideally it should be tested in the relevant PR (targeting this repo). My fork could then pull the updated changes. I really don't want to diverge from this repo.

Additionally, @bogkonstantin got back to me:

If you don't have an interest in maintaining it, how would you feel about updating the readme to point to an active fork and archiving it? There are a few PRs that have been in place for months, and I'd love for them to be merged and made available to the public.

Hi Scott. I saw the thread. Repository is not archived, as soon I need new features, I will update the app. I will check the fork in the following days and add a link in the readme.

pmalecka commented 5 months ago

@scottmconway it's not an error per se, rather a limitation of the current implementation (undocumented). I might post a PR, when I have some spare time.

pmalecka commented 5 months ago

@scottmconway pull req here: Not sure how this will play with the other pull requests (there are quite a lot of changes across many files), if you need help with merging, let me know..