bogumilchilinski / dynpy

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Reimplementation of `._hom_equation()` method - development of `ODESystem` class #719

Closed bogumilchilinski closed 1 month ago

bogumilchilinski commented 1 month ago

The aim is to reimplement the method providing homogeneous equation in order to suit ._as_fode()

AnnMcCoy commented 1 month ago


AnnMcCoy commented 1 month ago
from dynpy.solvers.linear import *

x = dynamicsymbols('x')
t = Symbol('t')
h = Symbol('h', positive=True)
omg = Symbol('omega', positive=True)
Omg = Symbol('Omega', positive=True)

ode = ODESystem(odes=Matrix([x.diff(t,t) + 2*h*x.diff(t) + omg**2*x - cos(Omg*t)]), dvars=Matrix([x]), ivar=t, ode_order=2)