boguszpawlowski / ComposeCalendar

A Jetpack Compose library for handling calendar component rendering.
Apache License 2.0
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Android desugaring #119

Closed robertlevonyan closed 3 days ago

robertlevonyan commented 4 weeks ago

I've updated the lib to version 1.2.0 and it started to require that the desugaring should be enabled for java.time. My app uses minSdk 26 so java.time should work without enabling desugaring.

here's the error

 Dependency 'io.github.boguszpawlowski.composecalendar:composecalendar:1.2.0' requires core library desugaring to be enabled
      for :app.
voitenkodev commented 2 weeks ago

the same, why is it happened? any information please

ZhEgor commented 1 week ago

Fixed by downgrading version from 1.2.0 to 1.1.1

robertlevonyan commented 1 week ago

not an option for me to downgrade

boguszpawlowski commented 3 days ago

Hi guys, and thank you for your patience. Will remove desugaring in 1.3.0 this week.

boguszpawlowski commented 3 days ago

@voitenkodev @ZhEgor @robertlevonyan Implemented and released in 1.3.0, please let me know if everything works as expected.