bohdan-s / SunGather

GNU General Public License v3.0
141 stars 57 forks source link

KeyError 'year' #141

Open Cuupa opened 8 months ago

Cuupa commented 8 months ago

Describe the bug SunGather is running inside a docker container.

After some time the container exits with:

2023-10-28T07:55:00.606489156Z KeyError: 'year'
2023-10-28T07:55:00.606578406Z During handling of the above exception, another exception occurred:
2023-10-28T07:55:00.606673901Z Traceback (most recent call last):
2023-10-28T07:55:00.606743907Z   File "/usr/src/sungather/", line 190, in <module>
2023-10-28T07:55:00.608404119Z     main()
2023-10-28T07:55:00.615251529Z   File "/usr/src/sungather/", line 154, in main
2023-10-28T07:55:00.615465380Z     success = inverter.scrape()
2023-10-28T07:55:00.620974941Z               ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
2023-10-28T07:55:00.621090092Z   File "/usr/local/lib/python3.11/site-packages/SungrowClient/", line 405, in scrape
2023-10-28T07:55:00.624766765Z     del self.latest_scrape["year"]
2023-10-28T07:55:00.625040543Z         ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~^^^^^^^^
2023-10-28T07:55:00.625108749Z KeyError: 'year'

My docker-compose.yml

version: '3.8'

    image: grafana/grafana:latest
    restart: unless-stopped
      - influxdb-solar
      - '13005:3000'
      - /volume2/docker/PRODUCTION/energy-monitoring/grafana/var/lib/grafana:/var/lib/grafana
      #- /volume2/docker/PRODUCTION/energy-monitoring/grafana/etc/grafana/provisioning:/etc/grafana/provisioning
      - /volume2/docker/PRODUCTION/energy-monitoring/grafana/etc/grafana/grafana.ini:/etc/grafana/grafana.ini:ro
      PUID: 1060
      PGID: 100

    image: influxdb:latest
    restart: unless-stopped
      - '18086:8086'
      - /volume2/docker/PRODUCTION/energy-monitoring/influxdb-solar/var/lib/influxdb2:/var/lib/influxdb2
      PUID: 1060
      PGID: 100
      INFLUX_DB: <redacted>
      INFLUXDB_ADMIN_USER: <redacted>

    image: bohdans/sungather
    restart: unless-stopped
      - '18087:8080'
      - /volume2/docker/PRODUCTION/energy-monitoring/sungather/config/config.yaml:/config/config.yaml
      - /volume2/docker/PRODUCTION/energy-monitoring/sungather/logs:/logs
      TZ: "Europe/Berlin"

My config.yaml:

  host:                       # [Required] IP Address of the Inverter or Dongle
  port: 8082                               # [Optional] Default for modbus is 502, for http is 8082
  # timeout: 10                             # [Optional] Default is 10, how long to wait for a connection
  # retries: 3                              # [Optional] Default is 3, how many times to retry if connection fails
  # slave: 0x01                             # [Optional] Default is 0x01
  # scan_interval: 30                       # [Optional] Default is 30
  connection: http                     # [Required] options: modbus, sungrow, http
  model: "SH8.0RT"                        # [Optional] This is autodetected on startup, only needed if detection issues or for testing
                                            # See model list here:
  # serial: xxxxxxxxxx                      # [Optional] This is autodetected on startup, only needed if detection issues or for testing, used as a unique ID
  # smart_meter: True                       # [Optional] Default is False, Set to true if inverter supports reading grind / house consumption
  # use_local_time: False                   # [Optional] Default False, Uses Inventer time, if true it uses PC time when updating timestamps (e.g. PVOutput)
  # log_console: INFO                       # [Optional] Default is WARNING, Options: DEBUG, INFO, WARNING, ERROR
  # log_file: DEBUG                         # [Optional] Default is OFF, Options: OFF, DEBUG, INFO, WARNING, ERROR
  # level: 1                                # [Optional] Set the amount of information to gather
                                            # 0 = Model and Solar Generation, 
                                            # 1 (default) = Useful data, all required for exports, 
                                            # 2 everything your Inverter supports, 
                                            # 3 Everything from every register 

# If you do not want to use a export, you can either remove the whole configuration block
# or set enabled: False
  # Print Registers to console, good for debugging / troubleshooting
  - name: console         
    enabled: True                          # [Optional] Default is False

  # Runs a simple Webserver showing Config and last read registers
  # Access at http://localhost:8080 or http://[serverip]:8080
  - name: webserver 
    enabled: True                           # [Optional] Default is False
    # port: 8080                            # [Optional] Default is 8080

  # Output data to InfluxDB
  - name: influxdb
    enabled: True                          # [Optional] Default is False
    url: ""            # [Optional] Default URL is http://localhost:8086
    token: <redacted>                           # [Required] API Token OR Username:Password (for influxdb v1.8x comment it out and use username + password)
    # username:                             # [Optional] Username if not using token
    # password:                             # [Optional] Password if not using token
    org: "Default"                          # [Required] InfluxDB Organization (for influxdb v1.8x this will be ignored)
    bucket: "SunGather"                     # [Required] InfluxDB Bucket (for influxdb v1.8x this is the database name)
    measurements:                           # [Required] Registers to publish to bucket
      - point: "power"
        register: daily_power_yields
      - point: "power"
        register: export_to_grid
      - point: "power"
        register: import_from_grid
      - point: "temp"
        register: internal_temperature
      - point: "power"
        register: daily_pv_export
      - point: "power"
        register: load_power_hybrid
      - point: "power"
        register: battery_level
      - point: "power"
        register: total_active_power
      - point: "power"
        register: export_to_grid
      - point: "power"
        register: import_from_grid
      - point: "power"
        register: daily_direct_energy_consumption
      - point: "power"
        register: daily_battery_charge_from_pv
      - point: "status"
        register: run_state
      - point: "status"
        register: last_reset
      - point: "power"
        register: total_power_yields
      - point: "power"
        register: phase_a_voltage
      - point: "status"
        register: daily_running_time
      - point: "power"
        register: pv_power_of_today
      - point: "power"
        register: daily_pv_energy_yields
      - point: "power"
        register: direct_power_consumption_today_pv
      - point: "power"
        register: direct_power_consumption_pv
      - point: "power"
        register: export_power_from_pv_today
      - point: "power"
        register: export_power_from_pv
      - point: "power"
        register: battery_charge_power_from_pv_today
      - point: "power"
        register: battery_charge_power_from_pv
      - point: "power"
        register: total_pv_generation
      - point: "power"
        register: total_pv_export
      - point: "power"
        register: export_power_hybrid
      - point: "power"
        register: total_battery_charge_from_pv
      - point: "power"
        register: total_direct_energy_consumption
      - point: "power"
        register: battery_power
      - point: "power"
        register: self_consumption_of_day
      - point: "power"
        register: daily_import_energy
      - point: "power"
        register: total_import_energy
      - point: "power"
        register: daily_export_energy
      - point: "status"
        register: start_stop
      - point: "status"
        register: timestamp
      - point: "power"
        register: daily_import_from_grid
      - point: "power"
        register: daily_export_to_grid

To Reproduce Steps to reproduce the behavior:

  1. Use docker-compose.yml
  2. Use config.yaml
  3. Start Container
  4. Wait for some time
  5. See logs

Logfiles See 'production-energy-monitoring-sungather-1_logs.txt'

Environment (please complete the following information):

julianjwong commented 4 months ago

Dumb noob question from me but how can I merge this change into my own instance? How can I find the file to replace on HA? I found it in your branch but want to manually merge into my deployment. Sorry I'm not a developer but have a basic understanding of deployment

Cuupa commented 1 month ago


  1. Easiest Way: bohdan-s has to merge this pull-request and build a new version of the docker image.
  2. Someone other has to take this pull request (maybe create a fork) and create a docker image by himself.
  3. You create a docker container from the python-image and mount the source code as a volume.

Regarding 2.): I guess @vetinari, myself or you can create a new docker image, but the problem is, it would create unwanted fragmentation when pushed to a public registry.

Like we create a image with something like vetinari/sungather or cuupa/sungather including this fix, but you'll need to switch to these images in your docker-compose or whatever you're using.

When @bohdan-s is now releasing a new version, you'll need to switch back to the official docker-image. Might be a minor inconvenience for you, but if someone else did not get the memo, he/she'll maybe wonder why their stack get no updates etc (maybe a "synthetic" case, just trying to explain my thought process :D)

bohdan-s commented 1 month ago

Hi. I'll try and merge and build this weekend :)

vetinari commented 1 month ago

@Cuupa I went a different way and rewrote the whole thing in go, fixed and changed a few things there :) well, the hold registers are missing, currently I have no use for those (not yet(?) publicly available).