bohdan-s / Sungrow-Inverter

Information collected about Sungrow Invter, focusing on SG7.0RT with WiNet-S Dongle
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Updated Communication Protocol of PV Grid-Connected String Inverters #2

Open muhdusama opened 3 months ago

muhdusama commented 3 months ago

Hi bohdan-s,

First of all, thank you so much for such an amazing project!

I requested the Modbus Register for my Sungrow SG10RS inverter and was sent the attached file by Sungrow.

Hopefully, this will allow you to add more inverters to the compatibility list. I would love to be able to use my SG10RS inverter.

Thanks again for all your efforts! You are a legend!

TI_20230117_Communication Protocol of Residential and Commerical PV Grid-connected Inverter_V1.1.53_EN.pdf

Gnarfoz commented 2 months ago

I've created a pull request for this (and other versions): #3