Closed kayprish closed 9 months ago
can only pass CFFI pointer. For the current workaround, please refer to issue #19.
Thank you, I've looked into that issue and the other similar ones before, but I didn't immediately realize they were relevant for my problem, for anyone else facing the same issue, the fix I've ended up using is this one:
;;;; package.lisp
(defpackage #:iip-project
(:use #:cl))
;;;; iip-project.lisp
(in-package #:iip-project)
(gtk:define-application (:name iip-project
:id "org.kayprish.iip-project")
(cffi:defcallback open-file-callback :void ((file-dialog :pointer)
(result :pointer)
; data now contains (img-original img-new)
(data :pointer))
(setf file-dialog (gobj:pointer-object file-dialog 'gtk:file-dialog))
(setf data (glib::get-object (cffi:pointer-address data)))
(lambda ()
(alexandria:when-let ((img-original (first data))
(img-new (second data))
(gfile (ignore-errors
(gtk:file-dialog-open-finish file-dialog result))))
; here do something with img-original and img-new
(gtk:define-main-window (window (gtk:make-application-window :application gtk:*application*))
(let ((grid (gtk:make-grid))
(file-button (gtk:make-button :label "Load file"))
(img-original (gtk:make-image))
(img-new (gtk:make-image)))
(gtk:connect file-button "clicked"
(lambda (button)
(let ((file-chooser (gtk:make-file-dialog)))
(gtk:file-dialog-open file-chooser
(cffi:callback open-file-callback)
(cffi:make-pointer (glib::put-object (list img-original img-new)))))))
(setf (gtk:window-child window) grid)
(gtk:grid-attach grid img-original 0 1 1 1)
(gtk:grid-attach grid file-button 0 2 1 1)
(gtk:grid-attach grid img-new 2 1 1 1))
(unless (gtk:widget-visible-p window)
(gtk:window-present window))))
I'm closing this issue, thank you very much for the help bohonghuang, and thank you for writing this lovely binding!
I have a problem with trying to pass a list of existing widgets into a callback function for opening files. I assumed (mistakenly) that I could simply pass a reference to a lisp object as "data", but that fails with the following file (at line 40):
with the following error:
I tried to wrap the list at line 40 of the code with
(cffi:make-pointer (list ...))
, but that also failed. I assume it's not relevant but the error occured with SBCL 2.4.0. I've tried to get the code down to a minumum working example, and the quickest way to reproduce the error is to runsbcl --eval '(ql:quickload "cl-gtk4")' --load iip-project.lisp --eval '(in-package :iip-project)' --eval '(iip-project)'