bohoomil / fontconfig-ultimate

freetype2-infinality run-time settings => infinality compatible fontconfig => infinality-bundle
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stained and skinny font (I screw up my infinality-settings) #49

Open cocodrino opened 10 years ago

cocodrino commented 10 years ago

Hi bohoomil, first thanks because your patch for intellij idea and the openjdk makes possible fix the ugly render font in this ide (partially)...

I comming from OSX and I'm using elementary OS, I did notice than the fonts looks a bit skinny so I did a small changes inside my infinality-settings yesterday, the result was worse, now the fonts keep looking skinny but also stained and ugly...I try revert the changes, I restore a backup file but the font doesnt change now!!..

here an image

screenshot from 2014-10-04 19 40 47

I've two questions: 1) My infinality-settings seems a bit old, this include nearly 1100 lines of code and comments, can I replace it for this

2) what could be the best configuration for a more bold font, I'm using intellij idea and vim and notice than the font is so skinny than after a few hours programming I feel tired...