bokeh / bokeh-scala

Scala bindings for Bokeh plotting library
MIT License
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Add support for scala.js #8

Closed mattpap closed 8 years ago

mattpap commented 9 years ago

scala.js doesn't allow non-JS dependencies (obviously), so all bokeh's dependencies would have to be cross-compiled with scala.js or made optional. bokeh currently depends on breeze and joda-time, both which can't be cross-compiled, so this feature is blocked on issue #4.

mattpap commented 9 years ago

Actually play-json is also a problem, thought this one perhaps could be cross-compiled.

mattpap commented 9 years ago

A bonus idea is to not serialize to JSON, but generate JS directly (using backbone's API), as on optional feature. Thought, I'm not sure if this is feasible and a good idea in general.

mattpap commented 9 years ago

Investigate using soda-time instead of joda-time. soda-time is pure Scala with scala.js support.

mattpap commented 8 years ago

breeze and joda-time aren't hard dependencies anymore, so the remaining bit is to replace play-json. Currently the best bet is using upickle.

mattpap commented 8 years ago

We can now cross-compile bokeh to JavaScript.