bolan9999 / react-native-largelist

The best large list component for React Native.
MIT License
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V2 version renderSection is called only two times #195

Closed jamessawyer closed 6 years ago

jamessawyer commented 6 years ago
1. Dev OS (windows/Mac/Linux) Mac
2. Target OS (iOS/Android/Both) iOS
3. Simulator or real device? (Simulator/Real Device/Both) Real Deivce iPhone 6s
4. react-native V0.54.0, react-native-gesture-handler V1.0.8

here is my code

import React from "react";
import { StyleSheet, Text, View } from "react-native";
import { LargeList } from "react-native-largelist-v2";
import { gestureHandlerRootHOC } from 'react-native-gesture-handler'
import AlphabetPicker from "./AlphabetPicker";

const countries = require('./countryCode.json');

// console.log('data',;

let lastLetter = '';

class PhoneCodePicker extends React.Component {

  state = {
    data: countries,

onTapLetter = (letter) => {
  if (lastLetter === letter) return; 
  lastLetter = letter;

  const letterIndex = => country.key.toLowerCase() === letter.toLowerCase());
  console.log('index', letterIndex);
  if (letterIndex > -1) {
    this.listRef.scrollToIndexPath({section: letterIndex, row: 0}, false)
  // this.listRef.scrollToIndexPath({animated: true, itemIndex: index})

  render() {

    return (
      <View style={styles.container}>
          heightForSection={() => 50}
          heightForIndexPath={() => 50}
          ref={list => this.listRef = list}
        <View style={styles.sidebar}>
          <AlphabetPicker onTapLetter={this.onTapLetter} />

  _renderSection = (section) => {
    console.log('section header', section)
    const country =[section];
    return (
      <View style={styles.section}>

  _renderIndexPath = ({ section, row }) => {
    console.log('section body', section, row);
    const country =[section].items[row];
    return (
      <View style={styles.row}>
          {country.countryName}  +{country.phoneCode}
        <View style={styles.line} />

const styles = StyleSheet.create({
  container: {
    flex: 1
  section: {
    flex: 1,
    backgroundColor: "gray",
    justifyContent: "center",
    alignItems: "center"
  row: {
    flex: 1,
    justifyContent: "center",
    alignItems: "center"
  line: {
    position: "absolute",
    left: 0,
    right: 0,
    bottom: 0,
    height: 1,
    backgroundColor: "#EEE"
  sidebar: {
    position: 'absolute',
    right: 0,
    width:  30,

export default gestureHandlerRootHOC(PhoneCodePicker)

and some part of countriesJSON:

    "items": [
        "countryName": "安道尔",
        "countryPinyin": "an dao er",
        "phoneCode": "376",
        "countryCode": "AD"
        "countryName": "阿拉伯联合酋长国",
        "countryPinyin": "a la bo lian he qiu zhang guo",
        "phoneCode": "971",
        "countryCode": "AE"
        "countryName": "阿富汗",
        "countryPinyin": "a fu han",
        "phoneCode": "93",
        "countryCode": "AF"
        "countryName": "安提瓜和巴布达",
        "countryPinyin": "an ti gua he ba bu da",
        "phoneCode": "1",
        "countryCode": "AG"
        "countryName": "安圭拉",
        "countryPinyin": "an gui la",
        "phoneCode": "1",
        "countryCode": "AI"
        "countryName": "阿尔巴尼亚",
        "countryPinyin": "a er ba ni ya",
        "phoneCode": "355",
        "countryCode": "AL"
        "countryName": "安哥拉",
        "countryPinyin": "an ge la",
        "phoneCode": "244",
        "countryCode": "AO"
        "countryName": "阿根廷",
        "countryPinyin": "a gen ting",
        "phoneCode": "54",
        "countryCode": "AR"
        "countryName": "奥地利",
        "countryPinyin": "ao de li",
        "phoneCode": "43",
        "countryCode": "AT"
        "countryName": "澳大利亚",
        "countryPinyin": "ao da li ya",
        "phoneCode": "61",
        "countryCode": "AU"
        "countryName": "阿鲁巴",
        "countryPinyin": "a lu ba",
        "phoneCode": "297",
        "countryCode": "AW"
        "countryName": "阿塞拜疆",
        "countryPinyin": "a sai bai jiang",
        "phoneCode": "994",
        "countryCode": "AZ"
        "countryName": "阿尔及利亚",
        "countryPinyin": "a er ji li ya",
        "phoneCode": "213",
        "countryCode": "DZ"
        "countryName": "爱沙尼亚",
        "countryPinyin": "ai sha ni ya",
        "phoneCode": "372",
        "countryCode": "EE"
        "countryName": "埃及",
        "countryPinyin": "ai ji",
        "phoneCode": "20",
        "countryCode": "EG"
        "countryName": "埃塞俄比亚",
        "countryPinyin": "ai sai e bi ya",
        "phoneCode": "251",
        "countryCode": "ET"
        "countryName": "爱尔兰",
        "countryPinyin": "ai er lan",
        "phoneCode": "353",
        "countryCode": "IE"
        "countryName": "阿曼",
        "countryPinyin": "a man",
        "phoneCode": "968",
        "countryCode": "OM"
    "key": "A"
    "items": [
        "countryName": "波斯尼亚和黑塞哥维那",
        "countryPinyin": "bo si ni ya he hei sai ge wei na",
        "phoneCode": "387",
        "countryCode": "BA"
        "countryName": "巴巴多斯",
        "countryPinyin": "ba ba duo si",
        "phoneCode": "1",
        "countryCode": "BB"
        "countryName": "比利时",
        "countryPinyin": "bi li shi",
        "phoneCode": "32",
        "countryCode": "BE"
        "countryName": "布基纳法索",
        "countryPinyin": "bu ji na fa suo",
        "phoneCode": "226",
        "countryCode": "BF"
        "countryName": "保加利亚",
        "countryPinyin": "bao jia li ya",
        "phoneCode": "359",
        "countryCode": "BG"
        "countryName": "巴林",
        "countryPinyin": "ba lin",
        "phoneCode": "973",
        "countryCode": "BH"
        "countryName": "布隆迪",
        "countryPinyin": "bu long di",
        "phoneCode": "257",
        "countryCode": "BI"
        "countryName": "贝宁",
        "countryPinyin": "bei ning",
        "phoneCode": "229",
        "countryCode": "BJ"
        "countryName": "百慕大",
        "countryPinyin": "bai mu da",
        "phoneCode": "1",
        "countryCode": "BM"
        "countryName": "玻利维亚",
        "countryPinyin": "bo li wei ya",
        "phoneCode": "591",
        "countryCode": "BO"
        "countryName": "巴西",
        "countryPinyin": "ba xi",
        "phoneCode": "55",
        "countryCode": "BR"
        "countryName": "巴哈马",
        "countryPinyin": "ba ha ma",
        "phoneCode": "1",
        "countryCode": "BS"
        "countryName": "不丹",
        "countryPinyin": "bu dan",
        "phoneCode": "975",
        "countryCode": "BT"
        "countryName": "博茨瓦纳",
        "countryPinyin": "bo ci wa na",
        "phoneCode": "267",
        "countryCode": "BW"
        "countryName": "白俄罗斯",
        "countryPinyin": "bai e luo si",
        "phoneCode": "375",
        "countryCode": "BY"
        "countryName": "伯利兹",
        "countryPinyin": "bo li zi",
        "phoneCode": "501",
        "countryCode": "BZ"
        "countryName": "冰岛",
        "countryPinyin": "bing dao",
        "phoneCode": "354",
        "countryCode": "IS"
        "countryName": "北马里亚纳群岛",
        "countryPinyin": "bei ma li ya na qun dao",
        "phoneCode": "1",
        "countryCode": "MP"
        "countryName": "巴拿马",
        "countryPinyin": "ba na ma",
        "phoneCode": "507",
        "countryCode": "PA"
        "countryName": "巴布亚新几内亚",
        "countryPinyin": "ba bu ya xin ji nei ya",
        "phoneCode": "675",
        "countryCode": "PG"
        "countryName": "巴基斯坦",
        "countryPinyin": "ba ji si tan",
        "phoneCode": "92",
        "countryCode": "PK"
        "countryName": "波兰",
        "countryPinyin": "bo lan",
        "phoneCode": "48",
        "countryCode": "PL"
        "countryName": "波多黎各",
        "countryPinyin": "bo duo li ge",
        "phoneCode": "1",
        "countryCode": "PR"
        "countryName": "巴勒斯坦领土",
        "countryPinyin": "ba lei si tan ling tu",
        "phoneCode": "970",
        "countryCode": "PS"
        "countryName": "巴拉圭",
        "countryPinyin": "ba la gui",
        "phoneCode": "595",
        "countryCode": "PY"
    "key": "B"

Same as issue 188,but V2 has no 'numberOfSectionPoolSize' property.

ATShiTou commented 6 years ago

没明白你想表达什么。你的数据只有2组啊,只render2次就是正确的啊。188所说的问题是V1版本的,V2已经不会出现那个问题。你是想说调用scrollToIndexPath 会出现问题吗?可以描述详细一点吗?

ATShiTou commented 6 years ago



jamessawyer commented 6 years ago

我这只列出了部分数据,数据是从A-Z的,所有国家的数据,这里只截取了部分。 实际中渲染了A和B的数据,并且对A B 2组数据重复渲染了多次,只有第一次A B的section header是有显示的,其余重复的部分 section header 是空白的

ATShiTou commented 6 years ago


jamessawyer commented 6 years ago

在iphone XR模拟器上是正常渲染的,模拟器版本 iOS 12.01

ATShiTou commented 6 years ago

可以在iPhone 6S模拟器上跑下,截图我看看吗,如果需要动画才能表达清楚的话,可以做个gif吗?毕竟,我连你出现的问题都不是很清楚

jamessawyer commented 6 years ago


jamessawyer commented 6 years ago


jamessawyer commented 6 years ago

不知道是否可以看清楚, 后面的数据都是A B 进行重复的数据。iphone6s模拟器 和其它模拟器上是OK的

ATShiTou commented 6 years ago


感觉和系统版本、react native、react-native-gesture-handler版本有关系了。。。 照理说模拟器没问题的话,真机也应该没问题的。 你试试把react-native-gesture-handler版本调到1.06,重新编译安装


ATShiTou commented 6 years ago


jamessawyer commented 6 years ago

iphone 6s真机版本是10.3.3, 在iphoneX真机 版本是12.0 都有这个问题。 大神,有没有这种选国家电话区号的组件推荐一下?

jamessawyer commented 6 years ago

使用 react-native-gesture-handler V1.0.6 还是存在相同的问题 🤣

ATShiTou commented 6 years ago

看一下你的这些版本号,我这里环境,测试是没有问题的 "babel-jest", "babel-preset-react-native", "jest", "react-test-renderer" “react-native-spring-scrollview”


ATShiTou commented 6 years ago


jamessawyer commented 6 years ago


"babel-jest": 未使用 "babel-preset-react-native", 未使用 "babel-preset-react-native-stage-0": 1.0.1, "babel-plugin-transform-decorators-legacy": 1.3.4, "jest": 22.4.3, "react-test-renderer": 16.3.0-alpha.1 “react-native-spring-scrollview”: 0.0.24, "jest-react-native": 18.0.0

"react-native": 0.54.0 "react": 16.3.0-alpha.1 "react-native-largelist-v2": 2.1.1 "react-native-gesture-handler": 1.0.8 和 1.0.6两个版本均试过

jamessawyer commented 6 years ago

从这个 升级到16.3.1以上 我尝试先升级一下react 版本,不好意思, 刚看到这条

ATShiTou commented 6 years ago


我这里这样的版本是没出问题的 "react": "16.3.1", "react-native": "0.56.0", "react-native-gesture-handler": "1.0.6", 是没问题的

jamessawyer commented 6 years ago

我这边需要将react-native 也进行升级吗, 我直接将 react切换为 16.5,直接就报错了

ATShiTou commented 6 years ago

可以把你的调用demo上传到github上,我去测试吗 ?

jamessawyer commented 6 years ago

我直接在项目中跑的,项目中有很多依赖,我先把项目升级一下 测试之后告诉您结果

jamessawyer commented 6 years ago

经过2天折腾,终于把项目从0.54.0升级到了0.57.2,升级之后react-native-largelist-v2终于正常使用了,感觉列表比RN自带的list顺滑很多,谢谢大佬这么酷的开源项目😁。 还请教一个问题,如果将最后一组section header 也能够产生吸附效果,到 Z 之后就无法往上滑动了

ATShiTou commented 6 years ago


jamessawyer commented 6 years ago

z Z能够吸到顶部

ATShiTou commented 6 years ago


jamessawyer commented 6 years ago


ATShiTou commented 6 years ago


jamessawyer commented 6 years ago

好像是的,非常感谢哈 谢谢您宝贵的时间和耐心的指导😁