bolderflight / sbus

Arduino and CMake library for communicating with SBUS receivers and servos.
MIT License
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Failing to recieive #30

Closed arbrog closed 3 years ago

arbrog commented 4 years ago

Using an Arduino Mega 2560 with a FrySky R-XSR. I am using the SBUS_example.ino (as a base) on Serial2 (Pin 17 RX) and verified the program starts and the main loop runs but I never get inside the if

if([0], &failSafe, &lostFrame)){


I put some return statements to shortcircuit SBUS read and it looks like the if (parse()) { on line 66 of SBUS.cpp is returning false. I used an oscilloscope to verify that my inverting circuit is working so I'm not sure why the packet isn't coming through correctly.

#include "SBUS.h"

// a SBUS object, which is on hardware
// serial port 1
SBUS x8r(Serial2);

// channel, fail safe, and lost frames data
uint16_t channels[16];
bool failSafe;
bool lostFrame;

void setup() {
  // begin the SBUS communication


void loop() {

  // look for a good SBUS packet from the receiver
  Serial.println("polling: ");
  if([0], &failSafe, &lostFrame)){


arbrog commented 4 years ago

so further debugging, in parse() I never get into while (_bus->available() > 0) { on line 299 so there are never bytes available to read?

if ((_curByte == _sbusHeader) && ((_prevByte == _sbusFooter) || ((_prevByte & _sbus2Mask) == _sbus2Footer))) { this if on line 305 never is true so the _parserState never increments

swampd32618 commented 4 years ago

Did you ever resolve this issue? I'm experiencing the same problem and it's incredibly frustrating!

arbrog commented 4 years ago

I did not, but I also haven't worked on the project this was for since due to COVID

nk-le commented 3 years ago

I tried printing all values received from UART Buffer and they were wrong (in comparision to another app I used such as Logic Analyzer or Hterm). I guessed there might be something wrong with the the baudrate or format during the serial initialization so I modified the "begin()" of SBUS by just using "_bus->begin(_sbusBaud);" and it worked.

circuitBurn commented 3 years ago

Any update from anyone? Trying to get an R8 PRO receiver working, running into the same issue and @khanhln2907's suggestion didn't change anything for me.

flybrianfly commented 3 years ago

If anyone is able to get to the bottom of this, please re-open the issue with the specific steps taken, the microcontroller tested, and the necessary code changes relative to the most recent code. Thanks!