boldowa / snesbrr

An SNES BRR encoder / decoder. snesbrr encodes standard PCM wave files into BRR files that can be used by the S-DSP of the SNES. Windows binary is included. However, the included source can be compiled on Linux.
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Not converting BRR to WAV successfully/samples horribly corrupted after conversion. #1

Closed Vladomierpootis closed 1 year ago

Vladomierpootis commented 1 year ago

Hey guys, so I've been working with snesbrr and made an automated batch script that takes all the .brr files and uses snesbrr to convert it into .wav format to be used in programs like Fasttracker 2.

The problem with that is that even when converting manually via the command prompt by typing "snesbrr.exe input.brr output.wav -d", the file comes out as either a loud pop or will flat out not play at all.

I don't know why it does this, but maybe it's something to do with my VM or a lack of required dependencies. I'm using a windows 7 virtual machine on linux mint, and i know for a fact that wine won't help at all.

Please let me know as soon as possible how this can be fixed

(forgive the ".brr.wav" as the batch script only took the original filename and plugged it back in as the output name plus a .wav at the end) Screenshot from 2023-03-24 20-47-39

jeffythedragonslayer commented 1 year ago

Can you please share with us the .brr file you are trying to convert to .wav so we can recreate the issue on our end and study it?

undisbeliever commented 1 year ago

There are two different .brr file formats:

You can decode the second format with the -h/--header argument.

snesbrr --decode --header input.brr output.wav

Decoding the wrong .brr file format with snesbrr will output corrupted audio.

Vladomierpootis commented 1 year ago

Issue's Resolved, i added --header to the command in console and now it works!