bolinfest / plovr

plovr: a Closure build tool
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Don't generate URLs with a port of -1 when Host header is missing port #134

Closed majelbstoat closed 7 years ago

majelbstoat commented 7 years ago

When running plovr on port 80 or 443, browsers do not send the port in the Host header when making requests to plovr. This causes plovr to generate URLs like

This patch modifies the compilation server to omit the port from generated URLs in that case.

We're using Plovr v6, so it would be great if this could make its way into a 6.0/6.1 dot release if you choose to land it.

nicks commented 7 years ago

released as 6.1.1. (which is just as well, because i wanted to wait on some upstream jar dependency fixes before doing another 7.x release)