bolkedebruin / rdpgw

Remote Desktop Gateway in Go for deploying on Linux/BSD/Kubernetes
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Connection RDP template wont add all options only some but not allow font smoothing:i:1 i cant get it turned on #78

Closed pbvdven closed 9 months ago

pbvdven commented 11 months ago

i tried to set some options but they wont all come true but the one big problem allow font smoothing:i:1 i tried everything to get it turned ON but it wont turn on.

spit out by the gateway

gatewayhostname:s:del full address:s:DHL-VDI-WIN11:3389 username:s:pbvdven gatewaycredentialssource:i:5 gatewayprofileusagemethod:i:1 gatewayusagemethod:i:1 gatewayaccesstoken:s: del enablecredsspsupport:i:0 networkautodetect:i:0 connection type:i:6 audiocapturemode:i:1 camerastoredirect:s: drivestoredirect:s:

Connection settings of the RDP file i would like all settings turned on image

Default rdp template

enablecredsspsupport:i:0 audiocapturemode:i:1 videoplaybackmode:i:1 connection type:i:6 networkautodetect:i:0 bandwidthautodetect:i:1 audiomode:i:0 redirectprinters:i:1 redirectlocation:i:0 redirectcomports:i:0 redirectsmartcards:i:1 redirectwebauthn:i:1 redirectclipboard:i:1 redirectposdevices:i:0 camerastoredirect:s: allow font smoothing:i:1 allow desktop composition:i:1 disable full window drag:i:0 disable menu anims:i:0 disable themes:i:0 disable cursor setting:i:0 bitmapcachepersistenable:i:1 drivestoredirect:s: autoreconnection enabled:i:1

Maybe im doing something wrong or i misunderstood how it works. i want a RDP file with storage, camara, mic, sound, and all performance options turned on. i also need enablecredsspsupport:i:0 because of the custom auth provider for windows all works now only not the performance settings and the front is very bad now.

christiaangoossens commented 11 months ago

@pbvdven This is still a bug, but setting the connection mode to autodetect ( connection type:i:7) does fix the issue, al be it only when it auto detects bandwidth to use everything.

pbvdven commented 11 months ago

@pbvdven This is still a bug, but setting the connection mode to autodetect (connection type:i:7) does fix the issue, al be it only when it auto detects bandwidth to use everything.

Yes setting to 7 auto detect that is what i do at the moment it works but would be nicer to set actual options. But i still didn’t find out why some options wont get passed on to the output rdp file and some actually do end up in the rdp file. Thanks for your reply.

bolkedebruin commented 9 months ago

This should be fixed in the current master,