bollu / sublimeBookmark

a better bookmark system for SublimeText
Apache License 2.0
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Bookmarks and projects #6

Closed Anzan closed 10 years ago

Anzan commented 10 years ago

Just tried this neat new ST 3 plugin, it's an definite improvement over the basic functionality of bookmarks, however, as someone usually working with different projects at the same time (and as mentioned in the TODO list), it would be essential that boomarks be restricted to their associated projects (when working with a saved project, not just some opened folder) and not displayed in the GOTO list when working in another. Thanks!

bollu commented 10 years ago

Okey dokey. Going to work on that :)

I have a question - if you have no project open, what do you want the plugin to do? Show no bookmarks? or show all of them? (I had partially implemented the feature, but was then confused with regards to this, and dropped it in search of a better solution).

Thanks for the input, ~bollu

Anzan commented 10 years ago

I think there should be two default behaviors, when a bookmark is created in a project, restrict its listing when this specific project is in use, and when it is created with no project opened, add it to a list of free mode bookmarks with no project associations and only show these free mode bookmarks when not in a project. I think that would make sense to me, but letting users change that behavior in the preferences might be a good idea, I guess some may want the current free mode at all times.

Another way to view this might be to only show your bookmark if it is associated with a file that is currently present in the list of files in your sidebar.

The following plugin seems to do something along those lines:

bollu commented 10 years ago

Thanks for the reference!

bollu commented 10 years ago

Hey, I've updated the plugin for project support. Is it bug free?

Anzan commented 10 years ago

Ok I started playing around with it, it looked good until I had two projects at the same time opened in different windows, then when I switched projects and added a new bookmark, the one in the previous project in the other ST3 window was deleted. I tried again, adding a bookmark in the other project, same behavior, the one added in the previous one was wiped out.

bollu commented 10 years ago

This has been fixed the new version :) Do open this if the bug persists