The game crashes instantly when I try to start it. Here is the d2dx log:
Game version: (supported)
Apparent Windows version: 10.0 (build 19045).
Actual Windows version: 10.0 (build 0).
Writing SGD2FreeRes files.
Suggesting game size 1280x720.
Initializing SGD2FreeRes.
Fps fix applied.
Menu fps fix applied.
In-game sleep fixes applied.
Using 'Interval1' sync strategy.
Using 'FlipDiscard' swap strategy.
Created device supports D3D_FEATURE_LEVEL_11_1.
Using 'ResizeBuffers' backbuffer sizing strategy.
Device context supports ID3D11DeviceContext1. Will use this to discard resources and views.
Setting maximum frame latency to 1.
Sizes: desktop 2560x1440, window 800x600, game 800x600, render 800x600
The device supports 2048 textures per atlas.
Total size of texture caches is 240256 kB.
Using DXGI_FORMAT_R10G10B10A2_UNORM for the render buffer.
Feature flags:
The game crashes instantly when I try to start it. Here is the d2dx log: