bolshakov / stoplight

:traffic_light: Traffic control for code.
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Failures counted by unit of time #131

Closed thebigw4lrus closed 1 year ago

thebigw4lrus commented 4 years ago


Sometimes some services fails from time to time. Considering high traffic, these does not cause a real disruption. In this kind of scenario, the real problem comes when the downstream service fails a lot in a short period of time.


This Gem establishes a threshold key in the storage, that will count how many time the abovementioned service has failed, but it does not take in account window time for this.


To introduce a way to reset the threshold after X seconds has passed. In redis this can be modeled via TTL.

bolshakov commented 4 years ago

I think you can achieve this behavior using Cool off time

The stoplight will move into the yellow state after being in the red state for a while. ... When stoplights are yellow, they will try to run their code. If it fails, they'll switch back to red. If it succeeds, they'll switch to gren

thebigw4lrus commented 4 years ago

Cool off time, as I understood is the time that will take to transition from red to yellow. I was talking about measuring the amount of failures (in a period time window) to transition from green to red. Imagine you have a situation where you have ocassional failures, and these are not relevant as the traffic is really high. In this escenario, It would be useful to have a sort of window time in which we can evaluate if a downstream service is really down rather than using a counter for this.

bolshakov commented 4 years ago

Am I understand right?

That makes sense to me!

Most likely I'd prefer to have both behaviors at the same time -- to disable a service it either has to fail X times in a row or Y times (probably better to express it in percentage) in Z seconds.

thebigw4lrus commented 4 years ago

Hi @bolshakov !,.. I have a PR based on what you did here:

Maybe I can help you to finish this feature. I tried to push the branch but no permission. Can I help you? If so, I will gladly put it on review. :)


bolshakov commented 4 years ago

@thebigw4lrus any help will be very appreciated since I have a limited time for that. I granted you access to push to the branch (please check your email)

And there are several unhandled issues left which must be resolved before merging:

I don't want to rash with pushing the gem until it's thoroughly tested. Feel free to test it in your system, if you're brave enough :)

bolshakov commented 4 years ago

@thebigw4lrus feel free to reach me out if you need help with that! Thanks for your collaboration!

thebigw4lrus commented 4 years ago

hi @bolshakov , can you redo the action to access to push the branch?. It turned out I had to change github emails as had an issue, and I can't reach the email you(github) sent to me. Thanks!