bolt / ImportWXR

[Bolt Extension] An Import filter for WXR files, as created by Wordpress or PivotX
MIT License
14 stars 5 forks source link

Import doesn't work #8

Open gwbonline opened 9 years ago

gwbonline commented 9 years ago

I use Bolt 2.1.6 and version 1.2.6 of ImportWXR to import old PivotX entries that I have exported with Wordpress Export 0.1 (PivotX plugin).

In the config file I deleted the Wordpress mapping, because I want to import PivotX entries. When I test some entries, the extensions says: No mapping defined for posttype 'post'. So I add the Wordpress mapping again. That leaves me with an error (screenshot below). I have untouched the dedault Bolt contenttype config file. What am I doing wrong?


hansfn commented 9 years ago

This issue is fixed, but we are waiting for a new release - 1.2.7.

Read my PivotX forum post.

hansfn commented 8 years ago

And the PivotX users how want to switch to Bolt is still waiting for the 1.2.7 release ...