bolt / bolt

Bolt is a simple CMS written in PHP. It is based on Silex and Symfony components, uses Twig and either SQLite, MySQL or PostgreSQL.
MIT License
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Enforce different userlevels #13

Closed bobdenotter closed 11 years ago

bobdenotter commented 11 years ago

Make sure that users with different userlevels actually have different priviliges in the backend.

pvankouteren commented 11 years ago

Which userlevels should be present and how many 'layers' would there be? (Admin, Moderator, User in three layers or something alike?)

bobdenotter commented 11 years ago

Currently there are three levels:

Obviously, these roles can overlap and often these will be the same people. What i think the different levels should be allowed to do:

That's basically it, I think. Do you agree? :-)

pvankouteren commented 11 years ago

What about regular users? Or do you only want the CMS to be able to create a website and not leave room for a community functionality?

And do we hardcode these roles?

bobdenotter commented 11 years ago

The users are only for people who have access to the backend. And yes, let's hardcode them. :-)

As for comments: Just use Disqus or Facebook comments, as they work just fine.

That said, we are working on an extension for a site for a client, that allows authentication for visitors using either facebook, openid, twitter or google.