bolt / core

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Installing bolt into existing symfony application #3107

Open Mysak007 opened 2 years ago

Mysak007 commented 2 years ago

Hello, please is there any possibility how to install boltCMS into existing symfony application? We are currently using AdminLTE with our custom CRUDs etc. as main CMS aplication and we want to use Bolt as content administration for blog and another articles that would be on site.

How can we install bolt into existing application? Or can we use at least Bolt as another application and grab content via API a and use created user with specific roles(ROLE_APP_ADMIN, ROLE_CONTENT_ADMIN,ROLE_SUPER_ADMIN etc.) to use bolt administration? I.e. that those users won't have to register again in bolt admin and use one login?

Thanks for your reply. Michal Doležal

bobdenotter commented 2 years ago

We don't use Github issues is not a forum for questions.

But, to answer your question: You can't install Bolt in a symfony app, because Bolt is a symfony app itself. You can build symfony code on top of Bolt, though. Alernatively, use the built-in API to expose data for other purposes.

vosykapavel commented 2 years ago

@bobdenotter I'm sorry to continue as if we were in a discussion forum.

But I just tried to do a pull-request from a clean bolt/project installation to a clean symfony/skeleton installation. And apart from many new ones (config, templates), I only see a few changed files (framework.yaml, routing.yaml, composer).

I understand that you do not guarantee any support, and that doing so is at the developers' own risk. Still, I ask, do you see any really big problem there that you would like to warn against?

Thank you.