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Homepage can'tbe access, return HTTP 302 code #3377

Open celtic34fr opened 1 year ago

celtic34fr commented 1 year ago

After installing Bolt CMS, i create my homepage page in backend.

Even i try to access by my local domain only or with the slug of the page, my browser can't present the page. I'm working with Nginx. When i examine the error log, i don't see any sensitive informations to explain it. But in the access log, each access return HTTP 302 code.

After I'm created a new page (Page ContentType). With my local domain and the slug of the new page, i can see it. This problem isn't depending of the graphic theme used.


Question Answer
Relevant Bolt Version 5.1.19
Install type Composer install
BC Break yes/no
PHP version 8.1
Web server Nginx
For UX/UI issues firefox (linux) 108.0 (64bits)


Install Bolt CMS with composer (create new project) execute setup after set database in .env.local (MariaDB) access to backend create the home page (with or without images) try to access at the root of the website

Bug summary


Steps to reproduce

Install Bolt CMS with composer (create new project) execute setup after set database in .env.local (MariaDB) access to backend create the home page (with or without images) try to access at the root of the website

Expected result

Actual result

My browser show nothing an notify me an loading error

celtic34fr commented 1 year ago

Precision : under Google Chrome Version 108.0.5359.98 (Build officiel Linux) (64 bits), the return page say ERR_TOO_MANY_REDIRECTS error

enthuzy commented 1 year ago

EDIT: I had the same issue. Bolt back end was working fine. I initially received a 404 message on the front end as there was no content. As soon as I add data to the homepage, I had a 302 "ERR_TOO_MANY_REDIRECTS." Tried all themes with the same result.

I was able to navigate to any specific entry/slug and everything displayed fine. After some analysis, I noticed the only difference being the "locales" setting in contenttypes.yaml. I adjusted the "en" option to "en_US" for the homepage content type, and was able to successfully load the homepage.

Not sure if this is related, but after much poking around, this resolved it for me.