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[RFC] Docker Questions / Optimization #51

Open tilllt opened 3 years ago

tilllt commented 3 years ago

Hello Boltheads and Docker Friends,

i was using Bolt via composer setup in the past but in the last couple of years changed to completely dockerized servers. There are a couple of things about the current Docker setup for bolt that i feel could be optimized or should be changed.

I know that there are lot of use cases for docker setups, and unlike mentioned in the Bolt documentation, running a production site via Docker is not only possible but could be a very quick and handy way to setup Bolt-powered websites. Discussions about Docker can quickly become dogmatic, since there are many people that have pretty strong objections against it - while most of them never actually tried using docker containers, maybe those people could refrain from participating in the discussion.

i think its good if we could assume that docker containers CAN run production websites, because this is done a lot. even by very big companies. VPS servers and other cloud computing platforms that run Docker containers are becoming cheaper every year, so the classical "managed host with php" scenario may become less and less in thu future.

The last days i spend understanding the existing Bolt Docker setup, going through the Dockerfiles etc. My biggest ciriticism would be the lack of documentation and the complexity in which things are organized. Then and there are some things that i don't understand or don't think are very efficient:

Like i said, totally possible that i misunderstood a couple of the original ideas, in which case i would be happy if someone would enlighten me about what was intended.

Cheers, T.


toofff commented 3 years ago

@tilllt I don't have much time now but I try to answer you as soon as possible.

In any case what I did is a first draft which can evolve and be improved. And the idea of my contribution was to have a functional docker for local development that can be easily deployed in production via a Helm chart which is still in the boxes. ;)

tilllt commented 3 years ago

Hey, first of all thanks for your work. This is not at all urgent... I am not an expert of creating custom docker containers, I am just a classical lazy person that heavily relies on docker containers for my internal infrastructure.

That said, I have heard about Kubernetes and Helm, but I think that for personal or even a boutique agency use, Kubernetes is way too much overhead.

Half of my container is started via command line, half via docker compose. The only management tool I use is portainer.

I would assume that an organization that uses kubernetes & helm also has the insight and personell to adapt a container to their needs, while the "semi-pro" or small agency is rather turned off from too much complexity. So I don't know if Kubernetes etc is really a real-world use case for people that develop websites with bolt...

tilllt commented 3 years ago

As discussed in Slack, i think adding the tailwind.css buildchain to the Docker would be a good move since the default theme is built on it. Without purging unused CSS, Tailwind is >3MB, reduced to the parts that are actually used in the Bolt Default Theme, its 47KB.

For me as an eternal web noob, the default themes have always been a good starting point on what to build on, so i think it would be a good idea if the build-chain was available. afaik the whole postcss process requires node.js / npm, so i modified the Dockerfile here:

`RUN apk add --no-cache \
        acl \
        fcgi \
        file \
        gettext \
        git \
        ttf-freefont \
        fontconfig \
        dbus \
        freetype-dev \
        libjpeg-turbo-dev \
        libpng-dev \

and added

`# install postcss build chain for tailwind.css
RUN npm i -D tailwindcss postcss autoprefixer @fullhuman/postcss-purgecss cssnano`

then you can initialize the tailwind config like this:

docker exec -it -e NODE_ENV='production' dockername_php_1 /usr/bin/npx tailwindcss-cli@latest init ./public/theme/base-2021/tailwind.config.js

and build the production css like this:

docker exec -it -e NODE_ENV='production' dockername_php_1 /usr/bin/npx tailwindcss-cli@latest build -c ./public/theme/base-2021/tailwind.config.js ./tailwind_css/base-2021.css -o ./css/base-2021.css

Obviously you have to configure the tailwind..config.js to your needs, especialle enabling the purge feature and pointing it to the twig files.

`module.exports = {
  purge: [
  darkMode: false, // or 'media' or 'class'
  theme: {
    extend: {},
  variants: {
    extend: {},
  plugins: [],

After unsusccesfully trying to install a specialized *.twig extractor for purgecss, i found out that the purge functions seems to work ok, just using HTML regex on twig files, but i really dont have a lot of experience with purgecss to judge if this is a bad idea.

As mentioned earlier, buidling Docker containers is not something i know anything about, so if these changes make sense would be i.E. for @toofff to judge.

tilllt commented 3 years ago

Another issue: sometimes, and i dont know how to reproduce this, the /var directory disappears as a volume and only exists as a transient volume in the docker overlay. Which means: after building / pulling a new version of the Container, the site is gone, at least when using SQLite.

that is obviously a very undesirable thing to happen, i dont know how to reliably reproduce this, but i had it happening twice already....

There are a couple of things that might be related to this, but again, i dont know enough about Container creation to fully debug this:


RUN set -eux; \
        mkdir -p var/cache var/log var/data; \
        composer dump-autoload --classmap-authoritative --no-dev; \
        chmod +x bin/console; sync
VOLUME /srv/bolt/var


 # if you develop on Linux, you may use a bind-mounted host directory instead
      # - ./var:/srv/bolt/var:rw

i dont quite understand towards who the comment ("If you develop on linux...") is pointed: my assumption would be that 90% of the people using docker do this on a linux dev machine, so maybe linux options should be default and everything else (macOS / Windows) optional...

Furthermore: does this mean that in a default setup, the SQLite Database is stored in transient volumes, unless specifically told otherwise? imho, that is a very bad trap for people running bolt via docker, and should be the other way around.

toofff commented 3 years ago

Hi @tilllt

For the documentation, I added it in the of the project, but feel free to ask me what you want me to add. And it can obviously be added in the official documentation with a little refacto on the installation and that it is the recommended method.

Here are the answers I can give to your first post:

1/ Here is an excerpt from the file on the different services launched by docker compose.


For Docker, what is often recommended is never to use docker-compose in production but a container orchestrator such as Kubernetes or another SaaS solution. So I use docker-compose in development then we will build our images to push them into production. That's why I use services (db, h2-proxy and mailcatcher) and configures that in docker-compose.

Obviously there are plenty of other solutions to implement SSL, it's a pretty simple solution that I implemented but only for development.

If I have to put a Bolt project in production, I would have 2 docker images (php and nginx), then I will use a managed database, a dedicated service for setting up SSL (like ingress in kubernetes) and a dedicated email service.

2/ For me the name of the service must correspond to the technology used mainly in the container. We mainly rely on the PHP image to build our own. After that the name does not matter, but the simpler and more explicit it is, the better it will be for maintenance in production.

3/ Could you specify which files are bothering you and which are duplicated, it is surely an error on our part? For me, this project is doomed to disappear when we have finished creating flex recipes. Even part of the docker setup may be generated by flex revenue. But before that happens, this project may serve us well :smiley:

4/ Here is an excerpt from file on the Docker part.


We ask to update the .env file, but we can very well leave the SQLite configuration. And if you don't want to keep MySQL, just remove the db service from the docker-compose.yml file

5/ I'm not sure if the Bolt Core Team is ready to do all of this work.

6/ Do you have an example of what you would like to see in the documentation and I will take care of it next week.

7/ I deliberately did not add a nodeJs container for the theme build for 2 reasons.

Hope this first piece of answer fits you? I will continue tomorrow noon on the rest of your posts

toofff commented 3 years ago

For the addition of tailwind.css buildchain in to the Docker, I recommend adding a nodeJs container, to have a separation between the 2 PHP and NodeJS services. This NodeJs container must be in direct dependency of the PHP container, because it will be necessary to wait on the PHP container to be run to be able to launch the run of the NodeJs container (the dependencies of Webpack Encore on the Symfony side must be installed and launched as soon as it is done, the container nodeJs can launch either the build or the watch with Webpack Encore)

By doing this, we can more easily control the build and the watch of the Node part (whether with npm or yarn) and above all this container will not be necessary in production.

Because in production we shouldn't need the NodeJs image in my opinion, we build all the docker images (so the different assets will already be available in the PHP and Nginx images) and we can just send the PHP and Nginx images to production. on a Kubernetes cluster for example.

Should see with @bobdenotter if he would be interested in opening a demo repo for Bolt with an example of deployment with Docker and Kubernetes directly set up from the Digital Ocean or Google Cloud Platform for example?

tilllt commented 3 years ago

in Regards to 1/ i think it would be useful to define who the major target group of the bolt-docker and maybe Bolt in general is. People DO run production services from docker-compose, there are mechanisms for management (i.e. auto-update via ouroboros) and gui tools (portainer) for it. I never saw any comment that running Containers from the command line or docker-compose is discouraged for a productive use case,

i think it depends on your ability to monitor and administrate the containers you are running. If you have i.e. a Bolt website and maybe Nextcloud as the two services you are running for your business, Kubernetes is surely overkill to manage them EVEN if you are running those two Containers productively (vs. not for fun) for your business.

Kubernetes in my opinion is WAY beyond the interest and scope of the majority of people that will run bolt powered websites. I dont see Bolt as a CMS for large corporations, government institutions etc. but maybe i am getting a wrong impression there. Would be good to have input from Bob what he would see as the main target group of bolt.

If you have to monitor 150 containers, solutions like Graylog, Kubernetes, Nagios etc. are essential, but people running services at that scale usually have a good knowledge of changing & building containers for their needs, so i would simply neglect this target group and concentrate on the "low end" usecase for dockerized bolt.

tilllt commented 3 years ago

as for 7/ The default theme uses tailwind.css which i didnt know before coming back to bolt this year, but i think its a great starting point for a default theme. The problem is that even the creators of tailwind.css are questioning its usefulness if not being used with postcss / purgcess. The non processed version of Tailwind is ~3.5 MB, when trimmed to the css actually used in the default theme, its 47KB. So i would argue that implementing the tailwind build chain and documenting how to use it is part of the decision to use it in the default theme. I can absolutely see the point that bringing it in as a seperate container is the "cleaner" solution, i was simply lacking the knowledge on how to do that, especially since it shoudl re-use all the layers that we brought in for the php / nginx containers already, to keep it efficient...

afaik it is not necessary to use webpack or make dependencies between the php and the buildchain container, you can just use postcss (autoprefix) & purgecss (optimally with specific twig extractors), let it analyze the used twig templates and then weed out and prefix the full tailwind.css.

madc commented 3 years ago

I know, this is an older topic, but I just went through the process of setting up tailwind with purgeCSS and cssnano. This is a WIP, so things may not be perfect, but it feels quite good. tailwind.css is down from ~100k line to ~1000 lines of css (without cssnano of course). I did not check the sizes, but you get the idea.

Let me share my current setup (all files are relative to public/theme/my-theme/):


    "name": "current",
    "version": "1.0.0",
    "description": "",
    "scripts": {
        "build-tailwind": "postcss css/tailwind/*.css -d css/",
        "watch": "chokidar '*.config.js' 'css/tailwind/*.css' '**/*.twig' -i 'node_modules' -c 'yarn build-tailwind' --initial"
    "keywords": [],
    "author": "ANIMAL Design OG <>",
    "license": "ISC",
    "devDependencies": {
        "autoprefixer": "^10.2.6",
        "chokidar-cli": "^2.1.0",
        "cssnano": "^5.0.6",
        "postcss-cli": "^8.3.1",
        "tailwindcss": "^2.2.2",
        "tailwindcss-scroll-snap": "^1.1.0"


module.exports = {
  plugins: {
    tailwindcss: {},
    autoprefixer: {},
    cssnano: {
      preset: "default",

tailwind.config.js: (I left some project specific stuff in, but the purgepart is the important one.)

module.exports = {
  purge: {
    mode: "all",
    enabled: true,
    preserveHtmlElements: false,
    options: {
      keyframes: true,
    content: ["./**/*.twig"],
  darkMode: false,
  theme: {
    extend: {},
    colors: {
      white: "#FDFDFD",
      dark: "#262525",
      semidark: "#313131",
      brand: "#FDEA34",
    fontFamily: {
      sans: ["Gotham", "sans-serif"],
  variants: {
    scrollSnapType: ["responsive"],
    extend: {},
  plugins: [require("tailwindcss-scroll-snap")],


@tailwind base;
@tailwind components;
@tailwind utilities;

Now while development I run yarn watch. Similar to the default bolt theme, my CSS files live in css/tailwind/ and get "compiled" to css/ in my theme folder. The CSS is then imported as usual:

<link rel="stylesheet" href="{{ asset('css/tailwind.css') }}">
<link rel="stylesheet" href="{{ asset('css/main.css') }}">

I hope this helps someone, let me know if any questions or suggestions arise.