bolt / redactor

📝 Bolt Extension to add the Redactor FieldType
MIT License
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webpack-encore-bundle breaks redactor #30

Closed Alexandre-T closed 2 years ago

Alexandre-T commented 2 years ago

Hello and thank you for the bolt-cms and this redactor.

As soon as you install the webpack-encore-bundle, the redactor field is no more available because JQuery is no more available.

The javascript console ouputs: $ is undefined

Steps to reproduce:

composer create-project bolt/project myprojectname
cd myprojectname
symfony console doctrine:database:create
symfony console doctrine:schema:create
symfony console bolt:add-user --admin

To have a better look, you can init a new git repository and comment this line in .gitignore to check that assets directory isn't updated at all


Then install the package without running any scripts (to preserve the assets directory)

composer require symfony/webpack-encore-bundle --no-scripts
composer recipes:install symfony/webpack-encore-bundle --force -v

Then, whatever you follow or not instructions from the documentation, redactor won't work anymore as jQuery and its $ function are no more available.

I don't know if this issue is due to bolt/core implementation or bolt/redactor itself.

Alexandre-T commented 2 years ago

After some tests with redactor and article, it seems that it's a bug from the admin panel. There is no links with redactor. I close this issue and create another one in bolt/core.

michaelborn commented 2 years ago

The Symfony Encore docs cover this issue in depth, FYI.