If you want to customize register or login form labels, you can inject in twig function {{ login_form() }} an array to define Username or Password labels.
Here is a way to do it beacause of a bug in src/Twig/LoginFormExtension.php:
As Bob suggested, having the login and register forms build with Symfony Form would be easier and more simple to customize. For instance, having a id in the
If you want to customize register or login form labels, you can inject in twig function
{{ login_form() }}
an array to define Username or Password labels.Here is a way to do it beacause of a bug in
:Why this ugly definition in formParms array with keys 0 and 1 set with respective values username and password ?
and pricisely getUsernameField() and getPasswordField(), in_array() is not the correct way to check if username or password are set. https://github.com/bolt/users/blob/master/src/Twig/LoginFormExtension.php#L67The right way should be this one:
As Bob suggested, having the login and register forms build with Symfony Form would be easier and more simple to customize. For instance, having a id in the