Open AxelHamburch opened 1 year ago
When you attempted to erase the card, did you do this with the keys all set to zeros?
Thanks for logging this issue, but for future issues with the NFC writer app please post issues to this repo
when you say your phone was not 100% charged, how charged was it?
When you attempted to erase the card, did you do this with the keys all set to zeros?
I used the WIPE DATA from LNbits Wallet. Cards how a correct written I can erase. Thats works with the WIPE DATA from LNbits. Just cards who are not correct written I can't wipe to zero.
when you say your phone was not 100% charged, how charged was it?
It dosen't matter. I think I tried it with with 70% of battery load. With 95% I got the same problem.
Ok, I tried again. It seems that it was really only due to the fact that you have to manually set all keys to zero. Then it cleared the NDEF record field and the card is ready again. The error 6982 does not come then any more. Is then only the question, how could it come that he has written only the NDEF record field. An error of the Android App or a combination with the cell phone that writes the card only half at low voltage?
Because of mine we can close the issue.
Writing an NFC card did not work directly on my phone. Later I found out that it was due to my phone. The NFC card reader/writer does not seem to work properly when the phone is not 100% charged. I always have to plug in the power cord for it to work properly.
However, it was already too late for the card. It then always shows
Error 6982
when trying to write. Or when I tried to erase the card again, I got the "Change Key0: Error: 91AE" message.I found out that the card was only partially written. The field NDEF Record has a lnurlw entry. But the card keys are still set to default. So unrecorded card. I can't remember exactly how this happened, but I suspect that the low voltage of my phone did not read/write the card properly. In any case, the card has an undefined state. Partially write, but without keys that you could overwrite them.
System: Samsung S9+, Android 10, Bolt Card NFC Card Creator v0.1.3