boltdesignsystem / bolt

The Bolt Design System provides robust Twig and Web Component-powered UI components, reusable visual styles, and powerful tooling to help developers, designers, and content authors build, maintain, and scale best of class digital experiences.
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[6.x] DS-872 Add bundle analyzer to build #2565

Closed danielamorse closed 2 years ago

danielamorse commented 2 years ago



Add bundle analyzer to the build to monitor bundle sizes.


Bundle analyzer shows bundle sizes of the build in a list view and as an interactive visual tree.

Bundle analyzer can run in both dev and prod modes. Prod is most useful because it shows us the actual bundle sizes we ship. Unfortunately I was unable to "watch" in prod mode due to some build issues I do not have time to debug. So for now you can only watch in "dev" mode and build in "prod" mode.

This PR also adds compiler.close() to packages/build-tools/tasks/webpack-tasks.js. This is recommended in the docs. I added it while attempting to watch in "prod" mode - that didn't work but closing the compiler is a good idea regardless.

How to test

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