boltdesignsystem / bolt

The Bolt Design System provides robust Twig and Web Component-powered UI components, reusable visual styles, and powerful tooling to help developers, designers, and content authors build, maintain, and scale best of class digital experiences.
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DS-876 Article Element Word Wrap #2572

Closed colbytcook closed 2 years ago

colbytcook commented 2 years ago



Long links shouldn't overflow parent containers


How to test

Pull the branch. Go to the test page and confirm that long links wrap to another line if there's not enough space.

Release notes

Long links within an article (e-bolt-article) wrap if there's no space enough

colbytcook commented 2 years ago

@MarcinMr I recreated the pull request because i think the hotfix branch path might have functionality tied to it (not sure but better safe than sorry).