boltex / leojs

Leo Literate Editor with Outline in Typescript
MIT License
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Allow multiple Body panes from different nodes, other than the selected one. (Mirror LeoInteg #259) #120

Closed boltex closed 2 months ago

boltex commented 3 months ago

Those 'body panes' opened aside, (other than the main body pane), stay opened until the node's gnx becomes invalid/deleted, or it's commander is closed.

To be implemented as a (yet) another 'fake' file system. :)

(Mirror this feature in LeoInteg's #259 also!)

boltex commented 3 months ago

Note: Instead of creating another fake file system, The fragment part of the URI (after the gnx path) could be used to signify that that body is an 'open aside' to be kept open aside and stay locked on that gnx.

boltex commented 3 months ago

Instead of fragments, simply prepending the commander's id separated with as slash from the gnx might be better.

Eg. 123/leoid123456789.1

boltex commented 3 months ago

I'll still use another distinct file system scheme for those 'detached' body editors for a fixed gnx. This will allow to selectively permit or disallow commands.

boltex commented 2 months ago

This is now in 0.2.13 beta ! 😮