boltgolt / howdy

🛡️ Windows Hello™ style facial authentication for Linux
MIT License
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Face detection fails in the first ~500 milliseconds, it doesn't pass again even with timeout. #678

Open EricAndrechek opened 2 years ago

EricAndrechek commented 2 years ago

When using howdy, it works with great accuracy if I am directly staring at the camera. If I am not looking at the camera, it gives certainties in the mid-4s. I tried bumping up my certainty to in the 5s, but a friend that looks relatively similar to me was able to unlock it.

My problem is that when I have a certainty value of 2-3 it always marks me as unable to detect. When I look at the snapshots it generates, I am never looking right at the camera. I will try to hit enter on anything requiring sudo and look over at my camera really quickly, which often works. If I am slower than roughly half a second to look over though, it always fails. I have the timeout set to 4 right now, but it doesn't seem to work regardless of what timeout I set.

There are two ways I could see approaching this problem for a fix:

Let me know what you think of this little feature request idea, or if you'd like some more information about my issue.


Linux distribution: Linux Mint (Cinnamon)

Howdy version: 2.6.1 (fresh install from apt repository)

Camera: Logitech C922x Pro Stream Webcam – Full 1080p HD Camera

boltgolt commented 2 years ago

I personally think the real problem here is the timeout failing to work properly. If Howdy would respect the timeout value then you don't need to react so quickly. A delay in which Howdy does absolutely nothing seems like a waste if Howdy could be trying to identify you instead?

Could you send me exactly what is in your config?

boltgolt commented 2 years ago

At the very least this bug report has made me spot a bug in the compare code: timeout, dark_threshold, and end_report get assigned twice in the compare script and the second time it gets assigned without the fallback value. My theory would be that you have a funky timeout value in your config and because of this bug no safe fallback is used

EricAndrechek commented 2 years ago

Yes, I agree, I just didn't know if maybe there was something specific with my camera that may be better fixed with a delay or something. Fixing the root problem would be great though!

Here is my config:

# Howdy config file
# Press CTRL + X to save in the nano editor

# Print that face detection is being attempted
detection_notice = false

# Do not print anything when a face verification succeeds
no_confirmation = true

# When a user without a known face model tries to use this script, don't
# show an error but fail silently
suppress_unknown = false

# Disable Howdy in remote shells
ignore_ssh = true

# Disable Howdy if lid is closed
ignore_closed_lid = false

# Disable howdy in the PAM
# The howdy command will still function
disabled = false

# Use CNN instead of HOG
# CNN model is much more accurate than the HOG based model, but takes much more
# computational power to run, and is meant to be executed on a GPU to attain reasonable speed.
use_cnn = true

# The certainty of the detected face belonging to the user of the account
# On a scale from 1 to 10, values above 5 are not recommended
# Lower is better
certainty = 5

# The number of seconds to search before timing out
timeout = 1

# The path of the device to capture frames from
# Should be set automatically by an installer if your distro has one
device_path = /dev/v4l/by-path/pci-0000:0c:00.3-usb-0:3:1.0-video-index0

# Scale down the video feed to this maximum height
# Speeds up face recognition but can make it less precise
max_height = 320

# Set the camera input profile to this width and height
# The largest profile will be used if set to -1
# Automatically ignored if not a valid profile
frame_width = -1
frame_height = -1

# Because of flashing IR emitters, some frames can be completely unlit
# Skip the frame if the lowest 1/8 of the histogram is above this percentage
# of the total
# The lower this setting is, the more dark frames are ignored
dark_threshold = 50

# The recorder to use. Can be either opencv (default), ffmpeg or pyv4l2.
# Switching from the default opencv to ffmpeg can help with grayscale issues.
recording_plugin = opencv

# Video format used by ffmpeg. Options include vfwcap or v4l2.
# FFMPEG only.
device_format = v4l2

# Force the use of Motion JPEG when decoding frames, fixes issues with YUYV
# raw frame decoding.
# OPENCV only.
force_mjpeg = false

# Specify exposure value explicitly. This disables autoexposure.
# Use qv4l2 to determine an appropriate value.
# OPENCV only.
exposure = -1

# Capture snapshots of failed login attempts and save them to disk with metadata
# Snapshots are saved to the "snapshots" folder
capture_failed = true

# Do the same as the option above but for successful attempts
capture_successful = true

# Show a short but detailed diagnostic report in console
# Enabling this can cause some UI apps to fail, only enable it to debug
end_report = false

I currently have it set to 1 since it seems to only use the first half second, so the extra time waiting just means I can't type while I wait for it to finish and fail. I have also set it to higher values like 4 and 5 without success. Let me know if you'd like me to try any other numbers or anything. Thanks!

boltgolt commented 2 years ago

Your config looks good. Does your IR camera stay on in other programs like cheese? Are there any errors in the console or in /var/log/auth.log?