boltlabs-inc / tss-ecdsa

An implementation of a threshold ECDSA signature scheme
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Add copyright check to tests #482

Open marsella opened 1 year ago

marsella commented 1 year ago

There should be a copyright notice on the top of every file, like:

// Copyright (c) 2023 Bolt Labs Holdings, Inc
// This source code is licensed under both the MIT license found in the
// LICENSE-MIT file in the root directory of this source tree and the Apache
// License, Version 2.0 found in the LICENSE-APACHE file in the root directory
// of this source tree.

Sometimes the years start at 2022, and in some files it also has a Facebook line:

// Copyright (c) Facebook, Inc. and its affiliates.
// Modifications Copyright (c) 2022-2023 Bolt Labs Holdings, Inc

Sometimes, the module documentation also comes first, but it would be fine to change this:

//! Module that does XYZ.
// Copyright (c) Facebook, Inc. and its affiliates.

It is really easy to forget to add the notice when you make a new module. So, we should add a bash script to our CI that checks every file for such a copyright notice.