boltops-tools / terraspace

Terraspace: The Terraform Framework
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Manipulate string from output function #238

Closed RiddlerKnight closed 2 years ago

RiddlerKnight commented 2 years ago

Following this document

test_var = "subscription/<%= output('1_rg.current_sub_id') %>"

the result

test_var ="subscription/"32dde38a-393b-4938-xxxx-xxxxxxxxxxxx""

The string come with double quote . there are any option for fixing this one.

RiddlerKnight commented 2 years ago

I tried this approach and it's work.

test_var = "subscription/<%= output('1_rg.current_sub_id').to_ruby %>"

the result

test_var ="subscription/32dde38a-393b-4938-xxxx-xxxxxxxxxxxx"