boltops-tools / terraspace

Terraspace: The Terraform Framework
Apache License 2.0
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depends_on and stack ordering detection not working correctly #305

Open gwvandesteeg opened 1 year ago

gwvandesteeg commented 1 year ago


My Environment

Software Version
Operating System Ubuntu 22.04LTS
Terraform 1.3.7
Terraspace 2.2.6
Ruby ruby 3.0.3p157 (2021-11-24 revision 3fb7d2cadc) [x86_64-linux]

Expected Behaviour

Expected behaviour is for the defaults stack to be at batch level one, and the foxpass stack to be at batch level 2 for its dependency.

Current Behavior

Two stacks with a dependency between them are not being ordered in the graph as being dependant on each other. Observed behaviour when running terraspace all init (these are excerpts from the full project).

    terraspace init defaults               # batch 1
    terraspace init foxpass                # batch 1

Step-by-step reproduction instructions

See code samples

Code Sample

The foxpass stack has the following in the base.tfvars.

<% depends_on("defaults") %>

name_prefix = "<%= Terraspace.env %>"
environment = "<%= Terraspace.env %>"

ssm_kms_key_arn = <%= output("defaults.ssm_kms_key_arn", mock: "arn:aws:kms::::key") %>

Ouput of the defaults stack contains

output "ssm_kms_key_arn" {
  description = "The SSM encryption key ARN"
  value       = aws_kms_key.ssm.arn

When checking the generated output from the init we see that there is no such file in the .terraspace-cache/.../stacks/foxpass/ for a file called

Solution Suggestion

This seems indicative that there is some issue building the graph, although it works for everything else in the correct order for the other stacks in the entire project.

chloe-boylan commented 1 year ago

We came across something like this recently but and haven't had a chance to try to repro intentionally yet. Interesting that your example is KMS though, as ours was also.

gwvandesteeg commented 1 year ago

Interesting observation.. if i run the init on the staging environment, it's in the correct order

13:36:49 Thu May 18 ]-[ gerwin@wash:7 ]-[ 90:100047 ]-[ develop ]-[ terraspace:staging ]
[ ~/src/infrastructure ]
$ terraspace all init -y --exit-on-fail && terraspace all plan -y --exit-on-fail
    terraspace init defaults               # batch 1
    terraspace init foxpass                # batch 2

if i run init on the prod environment we get the reported issue.

Staging has had all the changes already applied, prod has not yet.

gwvandesteeg commented 1 year ago

The problem seems to be that something is causing the tfvars files to not get generated.